ICM's Starters Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by llR_-I-_Pll_Delta_llR_-I-_Pll, Oct 23, 2012.

  1. At The Beginning

    When you have finished your tutorial, the first thing you need to do us ask for a volley on world chat (there is a bubble at the bottom of the page which you will be able to see people talking on), just say something like:
    Hi, just started please volley me.

    It doesn't matter that much whether you get volleyed from 3-10bill, if you have any friends then get volleyed to 10 as it sets you up even if you may be a bit overpriced.

    Explore until you have 9 lands (explore 6)and destroy your attack building, it will be a: Stable, Barracks or a workshop.

    Upgrade your guild to level 2 which will cost 2.5 million hold.

    Now buy an ally that costs 30million gold and then on your free lands put as many forges, beastiaries or war cathedrals as you can. You can choose which, I will explain what advantages they have below;

    Forges will give a slight increase in attack but it has lower combined stats (attack and defence stats added together) than the other two buildings.

    A beastiary is a balanced building (equal attack and defence) will give a few more troops and so two extra hits when you unload your troops. It has the highest combined stats of the three buildings.

    A war cathedral has slightly higher defence that attack and it's combined stats are the middle of the three. It gives 5% extra plunder from the building NOT from ally bonus.

    Now ask on world chat for a clan that is doing a specific epic battle (a thing that you can hit for easy money that doesn't hit back) the best epic battles for you at this stage are:

    Attacking Ebs

    hit everything every time you can for maximum plunder from the epic battle.
    Attack and assassinate the blue bar that says defenses and then scout the top red bar.

    ONLY attack and assassinate when you can only see the top red bar, wait until the titans have been defeated before you attack. Hit every hour on this eb as you have plenty of time to regenerate your troops.

    Item Ebs

    Before these epic battles It is advisable to go to the marketplace and buy the specific item for the eb before you start. I will say which items to use for the listed epic battles.

    The Haunting:
    Item - Seal of Deflection
    This is a very good epic battle if you can use your items, you won't be able to hit it yet so try and find a friendly clan who will let you do a few items.

    Attack and Item Ebs

    The Reckoning
    Item - Healing Aura
    This is a good epic battle as it is quite long so you can get lots of hits in and the item bar regenerates. You will be able to attack and use the items. You can also get a piece of equipment from this epic battle:
    Hooves of Destruction.

    The Forgotten Ones:
    Item - Bribery Gem
    This is a good epic battle as you can hit it and use items

    Keep hitting the epic battles (use items if it has an item stage) until you have filled all of your currently explored lands with;
    1 level 2 guild
    1 level 1 castle
    7 level 3 Forges/Beastiaries/War Cathedrals

    Your stats should be looking like:
    Attack/Defence/Spy Attack/Spy Defence



    War Cathedral

    Now continue hitting epic battles until you have explored the 20 million land and it has a level 3 attack building on it.

    When you have explored it, start buying allies, I find the most effective way to get the most in allies quickly is to do this;

    1 - Unload you troops on an epic battle.

    2 - Buy an ally with the money you made.

    3 - Regenerate your troops and then repeat steps 1 and 2.

    This means you make a little more each time thus maximising your plunder.

    Do this until you have 1 billion gold in allies.

    Upgrade your guild to level 3.

    Now keep hitting the epic battles and explore lands until you have the 900million land.

    You should now have:
    18 level 3 Attack Buildings
    1 level 3 Guild
    1 level 1 Castle

    You now have a choice that will affect how you play and which epic battles you do or whether you want to war:

    Become a hansel;
    - One attack building and the rest spy buildings.
    - You will get a lot of money.
    - You will be very useful in war but will only be able to attack (you will be able to use your spies) certain epic battles.

    Become a hybrid;
    - Half and half; e.g. If you have 25 lands you will have 12 Attack buildings, 12 Spy buildings and one castle.
    - Good for epic battles.
    - Good for war if you use it properly.

    Stay as an attack building;
    - Continue building as you are.
    - Good for war and good for attack heavy epic battles.

    Become a pure spy;
    - All Spy buildings, NO attack buildings.
    - Not recommended yet unless you wish to war the whole time as growth will be very slow.

    V 1.1 Added colour

     An I Cuddle Monkeys Production
  2. Pure Spy Guide

    Allies and Ally Trading

    Staying at max plunder is vital to growing in KaW, here are some tips on how to maximise your money making ;)

    -When you have around 200k combined stats, go onto the battle list and look through about three pages, choose the 10 best players that cost from 5-10billion and write them somewhere (your wall is the best place). You can use these later in you KaW life when you will need some cheap but good allies.

    -Never drop allies unless you absolutely need to.

    -Read Havoc's guide on ally trading, it will get you making money in no time.
    Location = Forums - Strategy - Havocs Guide, it is stickied so it will always be there.

    -Never be tempted to buy your next land or builing if someone has hired one of your allies, always buy another ally or it could seriously stunt your growth


    War is fun - alot more fun than ebs! But it slows growth to a virtual standstill, so I would advise you not to war until you have at least 1million combined stats, training wars are ok because they teach you alot.

    Don't buy pots from the marketplace until you are ready to war as it could also slow your growth (minimum amount of all pots in a war clan costs well over 20billion gold)

    V 1.2 (future update) - More to be added
  3. Don't we have a thread made about this topc already.
  4. reserved

    not bad. i can't make you the "person for mod" thread yet, because their are others in the competition and time isn't up.

    also, you should always do guides from pc. they are never perfect on the first try.
  5. Please give feedback on how it is, any ideas on how to improve would be greatly appreciated and added as soon as possible.
  6. You just can't stop making threads, can you? Why on earth would you reserve 4 extra spots? How much editing are you planning on doing?
  7. ease up, panic. it is a fine thread.
  8. The extra parts of my guide which are easier to see if it is in a separate part.
  9. Lol well icm looks like you spent a good amount of time on this thread so I'll say good job.
  10. Can't wait for you to finish it.
  11. Nice turn out.
    Good guide.
  12. Whatever happened to the KaW dictionary?
  13. Good guide. Certainly better than some I have seen.
  14. Not bad.... Not worth a sticky yet but not bad