Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by THE-GUY, Apr 23, 2019.

  1. Hello, been awhile since i made a thread. Now im back and ready. Keep it pg and on topic thank you :)

    What your thoughts about the green new deal and the congresswoman AOC aka the crazy lady?

    For me the green new deal is a bit too outrageous. Remember Venezuela. Yeah dont want that to happen here
  2. I say it to green if u ask me

    Hey my comment almost as long as your forum. Step aside you just got hijacked.

    Attention kaw. Green bill is today topic. My friend here. Has been in this debate here all day. He need your help.

    So the question we are asking here today is.....

    Is this green bill two green for you???

    Now some many be scratching your head about this still. Relax and pass the green while we talk about the green.

    When talking about the green it very important to remember where did the green come from. A rock from the sea......

    With a very close observation I have came up to the conclusion it from the forest. Now what does that tell us about MR.GREEN........ if you ask me he was born wild he can't be 100% right in the head.

    NOW knowing MR.Green not 100% in the head. Do we really want that in the great USA.

    Remember Venezuela??????

    Let me know if I left anything out.

    (Shadow comment)
    You really that dumb to blame it all on emmissions?

    Plants love that stuff aka thats what it needs besides fertile ground.

    Real problem is clear cutting forests for profits. cities banning personal gardens, cities banning self sufficiency, cities ran by politicians solely out for profits and will walk on anyone to get what they want.
    Cramming people in cities on tiny lots or huge complexes without gardens per family just to up profits no matter the cost.

    Ridiculous how greed, how worshiping the all mighty dollar, has always destroyed everything. Ripping apart families because someone always has to work just to survive, causing majority of strife in life.

    You wanna solve majority of problems at the root-
    Stop chasing the dollar, do enough for what you NEED, not to give what you didnt have growing up.
    Spend more time focused on your family so the kids dont repeat the mistakes of past generations.

    Positive change starts at home.

    Alrighty ive read up on this new greed i mean green deal and how its stated.

    First off its very vague. Which brings way too many problems

    2. Tackling too many things at once without ability to even complete 1 of them.

    3. Alot of government programs are already in place tackling some of these issues but then pass laws making it counter productive.

    4. If your thinking solar power plants are the way to go, your very wrong as 1 solar farm super heats air around it. Think about it this way, what will have a cooler surface temperature- white reflective surface or black reflective surface- obviously the white surface is the correct answer because dark colors absorb more heat causing area around it to heat up.

    5. You wanna combat transportation emmisions and industry emmissions even more than current attempts without massive financial impact....
    PLANT MORE TREES, STOP CLEAR CUTTING MOVING TO SELECT CUTTING (if you dont know what select cutting is look it up) and boom 3 birds 1 stone. Cools temps, trees eat those emissions (its actually good for them like oxygen is for us) and select cutting greatly reduces wildfires and if one happens doesnt take all summer to put out like it does in California.

    6. You wanna save the family centered home, houses/apts

    for homless/elderly/disabled and so on then stop cramming people on tiny lots with no room for a garden. And anyone saying homeless are lazy you'd be wrong. Your thinking hobos. Majority of homeless are actually suffering from illnesses either mental, physical, or both. On other hand hobos choose that life style.

    Solution would destroy current housing market and banks due to ridiculous over pricing from inflation and careless lending. Face it, income per household has dropped massively in all models when adjusted to gross inflation. Give everyone land and home at reasonable mortgage.

    On the plus side- minimal mortgage, room to grow food, time for family, increased mental health because less stress from mortgage worries and working on healthy family bonds and so on. Far more feasible then proposed garbage they have or are trying.

    Anyway point is until everyone focuses on family before some big paying job, nothing will get better.

    Ya cant expect the next generation to be better when they have this horrible foundation to build on.

    PAID BY:
    NPK for 2020
    -Take Control-
  3. Ok look. Eberybody nos im a progresibe. But that chick is crazy. End of estory.


  4. Remember when it was voted. 0-57 she didnt even voted for her deal.
  5. The Green New Deal will never work as long as people are wastefully spending money. Spending money on large SUV'S, driving 1 mile to the store instead of biking, buying unnecessary crap, etc.

    The government can enforce as many rules about efficiency but until the people themselves are concerned with climate change and corporations like Exxon stop lobbying to cover up climate change, people will continue to buy gas guzzling SUV's and take planes everywhere.
  6. I disagree, the green new deal will help to raise awareness about the environmental damage done by our wasteful lifestyle. It will also allow for greater socioeconomic equality.
  7. How about stop cutting down forest, stop clear cutting and go to select cutting, plant more trees. boom, problem solved. Idiots dont wanna realize vegitation loves that icky stuff, cleans the air and makes oxygen.

    Stop cramming people in cities, stop being greedy, stop chasing the dollar just to keep up or have some bs appearance.

    Spend more time with your family
    Spend more time outdoors (not in some bs city park)

    But hey what would someone from a state with the best conservation programs know about the environment.
  8. we really do live in a society

  9. Yes this is very true.

    With the population projected to go from 8 billion to 9 billion over the next few years.

    That mean there is currently 8 billion diffrent opinion and it rising 1billion more.

    Get ready should be fun...
  10. Lmao what ? These are probably the dumbest things I’ve ever read. Have you guys even remotely looked at the green new deal ? Or just because ppl said it’ll save the environment it’s a go for you ? It purposed to do away with anything that burns any type of fossil fuel before the earth dies in 12yrs. Let’s think about that...we would just level forests and burn the trees for heat. Would that benefit the environment? This isn’t about suvs or Prius drivers. Manufacturing a Prius leaves far more bigger carbon foot print than any life time of a suv can. Also if you completely do away with fossil fuels (which is the life blood of EVERY countrys’ economy)what exactly would take its place to bring economic equality? Crops ? We gonna go back to the 1920’s and harvest them by hand ?

    You think suvs are the problem? Lmao. What about trains, planes, semi trucks, and ships ? The green new deal would shut down every economy. Hawaii would starve when they couldn’t fly or ship any food in for example. AOC talks about all of this in her videos while using fossil fuels to cook her food, electricity to chill her wine, and flies back/forth to DC. (Majority of Congress take the train to conserve energy). I understand that she is the new shining thing. I wouldn’t get to attached she be gone next election. She hasn’t done anything for her district except run Amazon HQ2 out of New York.

  11. You really that dumb to blame it all on emmissions?

    Plants love that stuff aka thats what it needs besides fertile ground.

    Real problem is clear cutting forests for profits. cities banning personal gardens, cities banning self sufficiency, cities ran by politicians solely out for profits and will walk on anyone to get what they want.
    Cramming people in cities on tiny lots or huge complexes without gardens per family just to up profits no matter the cost.

    Ridiculous how greed, how worshiping the all mighty dollar, has always destroyed everything. Ripping apart families because someone always has to work just to survive, causing majority of strife in life.

    You wanna solve majority of problems at the root-
    Stop chasing the dollar, do enough for what you NEED, not to give what you didnt have growing up.
    Spend more time focused on your family so the kids dont repeat the mistakes of past generations.

    Positive change starts at home.
  12. Politicians want what people want, how else will a politician get elected if doesn't offer what people want. Same in the products and services you buy for yourself and family. Where there is demand, politicians and business will follow. Change the way you live, try to make it a fashion, maybe the rest of your country will stop burning in the name of progress too.

    Oh, and get your education from teachers, not politicians and journalists.

  13. Politicians get elected by popularity and lies they tell the public. NEVER EVER TRUST A POLITICIAN.
  15. LMAO
    Now if only they figured out how to catch that methane when milking cows... free heat lol
  16. In 20 years democrats will look back and face palm just at the mention of AOC ‘s name and the damage she did to the party by being a moron bartender that got elected because a socialist movement of idiots became popular
  17. Wow. This generation is completely clueless. I mean...COMPLETELY clueless. Whatever happened to questioning the premise? Does anyone know how to think critically and/or independently anymore?

    I guess once you have voluntarily seceded all of your power and liberties to the nanny state Big Government, then perhaps you will understand how foolish and thoughtless this entire line of thinking has been.
  18. We can have clean environment laws and reasonable growth in the renewable energy sector without big government and socialism being forced upon the USA.What are India and China realistically doing to control their pollution?
  19. Alrighty ive read up on this new greed i mean green deal and how its stated.

    First off its very vague. Which brings way too many problems

    2. Tackling too many things at once without ability to even complete 1 of them.

    3. Alot of government programs are already in place tackling some of these issues but then pass laws making it counter productive.

    4. If your thinking solar power plants are the way to go, your very wrong as 1 solar farm super heats air around it. Think about it this way, what will have a cooler surface temperature- white reflective surface or black reflective surface- obviously the white surface is the correct answer because dark colors absorb more heat causing area around it to heat up.

    4. You wanna combat transportation emmisions and industry emmissions even more than current attempts without massive financial impact....
    PLANT MORE TREES, STOP CLEAR CUTTING MOVING TO SELECT CUTTING (if you dont know what select cutting is look it up) and boom 3 birds 1 stone. Cools temps, trees eat those emissions (its actually good for them like oxygen is for us) and select cutting greatly reduces wildfires and if one happens doesnt take all summer to put out like it does in California.

    5. You wanna save the family centered home, houses/apts

    for homless/elderly/disabled and so on then stop cramming people on tiny lots with no room for a garden. And anyone saying homeless are lazy you'd be wrong. Your thinking hobos. Majority of homeless are actually suffering from illnesses either mental, physical, or both. On other hand hobos choose that life style.

    Solution would destroy current housing market and banks due to ridiculous over pricing from inflation and careless lending. Face it, income per household has dropped massively in all models when adjusted to gross inflation. Give everyone land and home at reasonable mortgage.

    On the plus side- minimal mortgage, room to grow food, time for family, increased mental health because less stress from mortgage worries and working on healthy family bonds and so on. Far more feasible then proposed garbage they have or are trying.

    Anyway point is until everyone focuses on family before some big paying job, nothing will get better.

    Ya cant expect the next generation to be better when they have this horrible foundation to build on.
  20. Been updated.

    This debate is rough.

    Warning no cry babies