Fishy thing

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Buubies_, Oct 14, 2017.

  1. I asked on wc but nobody replies. Ffs I've only gone for 1 year.
    Did the osw zaft v apoc ended?
    Where is sean893 shitposting?
    is kathama still a t rex?
    Do the grammar nazis still exist?
    How many users still active?
    Can goku beat saitama?
    Did kousei confessed?
    The canadian( maybe american)guy who always post tiddies and lewd content where is he now?
    That's all my question niggas.. for now.. #blacklivesandwhitelivesdoesntmatteryellowlivesmatter
  2. I saw the lb , the two couples ended up kicked out from the lb? I forgot their name, pardon my memories.
  3. Yes
    Red and Stella both died in a car crash
  4. Car crash? My condolonces.
  5. Does papa froggy, our 3 times asw winner still alive and healthy?
  6. Good Morning, Sir! I believe you mentioned my name! How can I help you? :D
  7. Kathama?

    I never understood what that meant.

    I believe it's supposed to be a joke but it makes no sense.
  8. American!!!!

  9. Haha Ashes is a dirty Yankee!
  10. Ohayo Trumpu-kun have u watched boku no pico and oni chichi or u need a jojo reference?
  11. Lady-Kathama that was part of a meme. There was a toy plastic T.Rex with the bottom lip bent inward making it appear buck toothed implying that the T.Rex (or u rather) have a lisp. The caption read... "I'm Kathama and I got T-Rect."

    Idk who originally posted it but I think it was someone who ass spanked you in EE. I must say it's a brilliant bit of trolling  kudos to the original poster of that.
  12. No one 'spanked me in ee' and it was one of your alts who posted it cause I peed you off once.

    Check my "Introduce Yourself" thread so you know how annoying this guy is.

    Todd, you really haven't changed.

    Also I don't have a lisp.
  13. lol it wasn't me lady-K  ...I wish I could take credit for that meme but I wasn't the op, but as stated previously kudos to whomever did post that. It was brilliant lol 

  14. Yes :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: lolololol 

  15. Yes lol Kathama still T. Rekted :lol: :lol: :lol: 

    .....& he still has a lisp :lol: :lol: :lol:
  16. Did you really need to make two posts in a row that say the exact same thing?

    Seems a bit post farmy to me.

  17. Seriously guys. You’re soooo lame. Leave Kathama alone.