Black Star

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ZeechyMusic, Aug 5, 2017.

  1. Black Star was one of the most notorious clans know to KaW back in the day, then they just disappeared out of nowhere, but we are back now. If you're a former BS member come and rejoin us at Black Star Reborn so we can rule again
  2. Never heard of you but ok, goodluck with your "notoriety"
  3. One of the most notorious? Eh.
  4. How far back in the day is back in the day?
  5. Voodoo were OG
  6. Probably not all that far lol
  7. Notorious for what farming inac statless players lul
  8. It was one of the first clans and was highly regarded for sure. CrimsonStar owned the clan but let Aceforhire run it until she returned to reclaim it, which caused separation and the ultimate destruction of the clan.
    Many left that clan to start their own clans like Titans4Hire and Mystic Misfits!