So I write this after last night going to my brothers birthday, I apparently had a large amount of adult beverages, and in my stupor I managed to unlock my phone, login to kaw, and proceed to buy 200b worth of sleeping potions. Now I'm not upset about this at all I'm just amused that I did that, it would have taken forever. So anyone else got something stupid they've done while drinking?
Re: Dumb things you do while drinking Ive ate a pineapple nuff said /\ / \ / \ /____\ illuminati comfirmed
Re: Dumb things you do while drinking I texted the girl I liked that I wanted to see her naked, never spoke her again :lol:
Re: Dumb things you do while drinking Sent my mother a picture of me a little too far out. Apparently the non-sober me really hates her
Re: Dumb things you do while drinking Jumped into a lake full of jellyfish after 10 shots of vodka back in my younger days.
Re: Dumb things you do while drinking Took a dump in my annoying neighbours (we all have one or two) letterbox, watching him blindly reach in the next day was priceless though
Re: Dumb things you do while drinking My 1st baby mama.... My 2nd baby mama.... My 2nd baby mama's best friend.... Her other best friend....
Re: Dumb things you do while drinking Bolting a bed to the ceiling and strapping passed out groom to it. Had a friend get totally drunk and wake in the middle of the night desperate for the toilet. He made it to the bathroom managed to lift the lid and proceed to do his business. Or so he thought. My mate who owned that flat was not amused waking up to find his play station 1 lid up with a nice on it, in the middle of the living room floor. Maybe a few other things I don't want to admit to publicly
Re: Dumb things you do while drinking Tried walking on a ship in a storm, not the smartest thing to do mind you