Orisons of Glory - Part 10

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Charlie, May 6, 2017.

  1. You say, "Necromancer's Totems drops as a reward from every Epic Battle completed during the event, with "Necromancer's Pact" having the greatest drop rate."

    I've seen several different ebs throughout the day that don't drop any totems. You have a bug somewhere because not every eb is dropping.
  2. Any chance of being able to sell the unwanted crests ?
  3. Dozens of ZTAs and none of the regular event chests (that use the war mother key). Could be wrong but I don't think they have dropped to anyone on ZTAs.
  4. I'm not sure they drop at all lol. I know they do, but they ate insanely rare it appears
  5. I've seen them drop on several other EBs (looking at EB history), but don't see anyone in ZTA clans getting them. ZTAs have lots of actions and are quick because of the high membership participation, so it sounds like the box drop wasn't reset with the new event.

    I guess rushing a new event a couple of hours after the old one ends will cause these types of gaps in the play.
  6. Havn't had any dropping from TS or AFF. Need to fix this!
  7. Yep, had the same problem. My clan did TSG twice today; did not drop any totems.
  8. KAW needs to provide free Molly Maid service to keep our inventory useless items and useless redundant equipment clean with what's being handed out as rewards for these events.
  10. No Totem drop from TSG ... that's 3 ebs completed, no Totem drops :roll: AFF,TS,TSG - we doing SS now, any hopes to be able to get this offhand unless we are pay 2 play ?
  11. A few hours? This event started 10 seconds after part 9 ended. That's no exaggeration. I was online when event ended the clock went from 0:00 to 13d 23:59.
  12. When devs throw in b2b pay4eq events and you dont spend on kaw.. feelsbadman
  13. Its just the events are the same lol and so much equip where does it end? When we all have 69bil stat equip or what? I mean I like getting the free SB I really do but why do you have to add another equip to every event? Can't you let people enjoy it for a bit?
  14. I have 114 pieces of equip and I quit for a while I can't imagine how many others have lol with no way to get rid of the useless crap.

    Most games add equip like its going out of fashion but at least add a feature to scrap it for something good.
  15. Are you saying to make the event greatly help noobs and not those that have been loyal is ok?
  16. Yes.
  17. didn't get my event stuff yesterday devssssss
  18. Stop with the damn pay to play BS. Nobody should have to pay for an EB to collect items. GAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY
  19. Came back for a quick look. God I'm glad I am retired.
    Total pay to play bs
    Won't be coming back again.
  20. Cmon guys. It's Sunday. Let the devs have their day off. For all the crap in this event I'm expecting more than a little compensation.