[UPDATED] Upcoming Event Details!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Charlie, Apr 6, 2017.

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  1. Free zta please lol
  3. Re: Upcoming Event Details!

    I agree with this guy. Candy crush is an excellent game and they don't force you to do something you don't want. Equality is there just keep people who want to do wars separate from people who want to do just ebs. The only ones complaining are the war mongers. And we have to pay the price.
  4. All of you whining opt out or play. You want best eq? You have to play. Wtf guys.
  5. U Serious!

    Finally a pvp/osw based event...an event that would interest a HUGE portion of your customer base...and you post-pone it!

    Is the alternate event for eb fairies?

    Come on devs!
  6. Regarding update.

    That really stinks! Any event would be greatly welcomed since we have all been salivating for days.
  7. Hmmm.... Almost a week without an event not fair
  8. At least give us a pvp event with much higher rewards to compensate. Lots of people were pretty hyped about this.
  9. Re: Upcoming Event Details!

    Totally disagree. First of all you conspired candy crush to a war game. Not sure how to sum my disappointment there.

    Secondly equipment is required for those that play all aspects of the game. If all you do is hit an eb, you don't need high level equip. This is a war game. So if you don't want to be part of it the Devs allow you to opt out. So opt out and play the way you want. It's really an easy concept
  10. Fixed it
  11. Re: Upcoming Event Details!

  12. Everyone in the game is an eb fairy.
  13. This is a great list of ppl to farm . all the tears let's get them ha ha ha
  14. Well hurry up w it...
  15. Support
  16. Better to do it right than to release it full of bugs.
  17. Hommer Simpson moment ,doh
  18. Gotta keep the millenials happy
  19. Hit us up with a copy and pasted event 
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