Testing Wars (5/26 - 6/1) (UPDATED)

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, May 24, 2014.

  1. Update 5/28/2014

    We've made a few changes to our testing timeline and had to remove the second Individual War from Friday's schedule. We'll be paying close attention to the remaining one though and may revisit further individual war testing in the future.

    Additionally, the 1PM PDT taking place on Thursday will be used to test our new War Rewards system. This system will allow us to reward individual actions as well as many other scenarios. We're going to start this testing out by rewarding 1 additional dragon egg per successful attack action (up to 100) .

    Please see this thread for more info.

    Update 5/26/2014

    During the Testing Wars taking place from Monday thru Friday players will not lose Estoc Edge levels from losing wars. This change will take place with the war starting at 7PM PDT today, and we'll be working to restore any EE levels lost during the first two wars today.

    We're going to be extending our testing of our war changes to include all weekday wars during this week. As we progress through testing we'll also be creating a brand new thread to let you know of what specific changes we're testing and to get your feedback.

    Monday - Thursday
    From Monday thru Thursday all wars will use an identical setup to help us better understand the results of changes as we test them. Wars will take place three times each day, and we'll be making various adjustments to each of them.

    These are testing wars. Health Crystals used will be returned within 24 hours.

    Duration: 60 Minutes
    Type: Classic
    KO: 10 minutes
    Health Crystals: 1
    Hit Restrictions: ON
    Roster Size: 15

    - TIMESLOT 1 -
    PDT - 6am
    EDT - 9am
    GMT - 1pm
    SGT - 9pm

    - TIMESLOT 2 -
    PDT - 1pm
    EDT - 4pm
    GMT - 8pm
    SGT - 4am

    - TIMESLOT 3 -
    PDT - 7pm
    EDT - 10pm
    GMT - 2am
    SGT - 10am

    We're going to be testing something entirely different on Friday with an experimental individual war. During these two this wars you'll need to cast Wave of Conflict and leave your clan before the matchup period. You'll then be automatically placed into a clan and matched up.

    These are testing wars. Health Crystals used will be returned within 24 hours.

    Duration: 60 Minutes
    Type: Classic
    KO: 10 minutes
    Health Crystals: 1
    Hit Restrictions: ON

    - TIMESLOT 1 -
    PDT - 12pm
    EDT - 3pm
    GMT - 7pm
    SGT - 3am

    - TIMESLOT 2 -
    PDT - 6pm
    EDT - 9pm
    GMT - 1am
    SGT - 9am

    Saturday & Sunday
    We'll be ending the week off with some regular weekend wars

    These are regular wars. Health Crystals will NOT be refunded.

    Duration: 60 Minutes
    Type: Random
    KO: 7 to 13 minutes
    Health Crystals: 1
    Hit Restrictions: ON
    Roster Size: 15

    - TIMESLOT 1 -
    PDT - 6am
    EDT - 9am
    GMT - 1pm
    SGT - 9pm

    - TIMESLOT 2 -
    PDT - 1pm
    EDT - 4pm
    GMT - 8pm
    SGT - 4am

    - TIMESLOT 3 -
    PDT - 7pm
    EDT - 10pm
    GMT - 2am
    SGT - 10am
  2. Re: Testing Wars (5/26 - 6/1)

    Do we get beta test for this?
  3. Re: Testing Wars (5/26 - 6/1)

  4. Re: Testing Wars (5/26 - 6/1)

    And Friday sounds awesome. Random clan matches? Interesting
  5. Re: Testing Wars (5/26 - 6/1)

    So on Friday, all you have to do is find a clan (if you're not in one already), cast WoC, then leave that clan, and you'll be automatically ready to war?
  6. Re: Testing Wars (5/26 - 6/1)

    U shouldn't lose ur ee level in Friday wars,too much is random
  7. Re: Testing Wars (5/26 - 6/1)

    So is it simply, leave clan, cast wave of conflict, then get placed in a clan for Friday?
  8. Re: Testing Wars (5/26 - 6/1)


    2) what's roster size for random match wars

    3) support @ not losing ee in these beta random match wars
  9. Re: Testing Wars (5/26 - 6/1)

    This. Sounds kinda interesting
  10. Re: Testing Wars (5/26 - 6/1)

    Love the random clan matches idea gives us a break.
  11. Re: Testing Wars (5/26 - 6/1)

    Friday war is stupid just like pimd u get inactives
  12. Re: Testing Wars (5/26 - 6/1)

    This is great devs
  13. Re: Testing Wars (5/26 - 6/1)

    So I took off her shirt then she said take off my skirt I took off her skirt then she said take off my shoes so off with the shoes now my hose bra an panties I took everything off then she looked at me an said I don't want to catch you wearing my things ever again 
  14. Re: Testing Wars (5/26 - 6/1)

    If we lose in the random matching do we lose ee seal ?
  15. Re: Testing Wars (5/26 - 6/1)

    Liking Friday's update. However will the stackers stack? :p
  16. Re: Testing Wars (5/26 - 6/1)

    The community spoke, the devs answered. Lets see how it plays out....the real answer is a flat rate for builds to pay in EE
  17. Re: Testing Wars (5/26 - 6/1)

    It'd be funny if like some rh guy warred and got put with 10 eB noobs lol
  18. Re: Testing Wars (5/26 - 6/1)

    Friday sounds very interesting. Looking forward to the random clan idea.
    Very neat dea mr apes
  19. Re: Testing Wars (5/26 - 6/1)

    So rather than fix the sh + lb and matchup problems you just want to go with random placement so ppl can't complain about matchups cause its supposedly random.
    No thanks will just be worse cause wc with bad rosters wont give a crap and ppl don't war together. Trackers won't really care. The only good thing is you will be able to farm more ppl after war when they don't xstal or lose the war for you.
  20. Re: Testing Wars (5/26 - 6/1)

    Its like playing call of duty clanless.

    Log on enter lobby and get placed with randoms. I love it.

    Will edge levels be rewarded for wins/loss? Test wars idk, so should be clear ty