As part of our humanitarian initiative here at A Thinking Ape we are all touched by the recent tragic events that has occurred in Japan. On Friday, March 11, a record breaking 8.9 magnitude earthquake struck near the coast of Japan. This triggered a massive tsunami that flooded the majority of Japan's coastline. Many coastal communities were affected by this disaster and most of their possessions, livelihood and loved ones were washed away. Not only were they helpless to prevent such a disaster, they are facing a catastrophic event as their nuclear reactor cores are in a critical meltdown stage due to lack of power and cooling. The country has been working endlessly to avoid such a disaster many of them risking their lives as they expose themselves to the deadly radiation. With the moving efforts of the country as a whole and their generosity in helping their fellow man, we cannot help but feel the empathetic need to assist them in any way we can. This upcoming weekend beginning Saturday March 26th, 12:00am GMT to Sunday March 27th, 11:59pm GMT, we are donating all of our proceeds from health crystals towards the Red Cross society. We are hoping that through our generosity we will not only be helping Japan as a whole but the individuals who were affected most. We will also be recognizing those who make a health crystal purchase during the event with a special achievement. We can only ask that everyone participate in our humanitarian efforts and that our neighbours would want to do the same if we were the ones facing such tragedy. We also encourage and promote donating outside of our games, you can also read about more information below at
Re: Japan Disaster Relief Efforts Thanks to your support, we were able to raise a total of 33,761.01 USD net of Apple's 30% cut. We are truly humbled by your generosity and you have inspired us to match 50 cents for every dollar raised to cover Apple's fees and contribute a bit more to the cause. This means we will be donating a grand total of 50,641.52. USD to Japan! We would like to thank everyone who participated in the relief effort. We love you guys, and feel truly honored to be a part of such a great community.
Re: Japan Disaster Relief Efforts Woohoo i got first non dev post on pimd version of this i am now a noob lol
Re: Japan Disaster Relief Efforts i think i deserve an achievement for correcting the devs. all in favor?