event needed

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by tipofthespear, Jan 9, 2018.

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  1. Come on, event needed
  2. Go play the rest of the game. There used to be an entire KaW that existed for years prior to your event driven robotic actions.
  3. Events events events. Quit yapping and play a war game not kingdoms at events.
  4. An event is most definitely not needed
  5. Bet op an alt that don't even spend.
  6. 6yr banner an not even 1bil cshim jus stuck in the mud...
  7. Give us an eevnt
  8. So true back in s1 and s2 ooooo how i miss those days good to be back but kaw is a mess.
  9. Quit moaning I admit I like the events but before events we only had ebs and wars but before then was the prehistoric PWARS #bring back PWAR!!!!!!!
  10. Cant war off event cuz all u noobs dont organize war if no rewards so event plz
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