Raw stats on New lands

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Adonis-ICE_MaCHiNE, Jun 2, 2017.

  1. yeah instead of removing the numbers u could just replace zeroes n round off but u wouldn't see exact stats. it maybe time the profile display should get an update to give stats a better spaced layout.
  2. What's the deal here devs? My equip is less than it was before i upgraded. Since when is simple math such a problem to address?

    Raw stats need fixing. Shouldn't take very long.

  3. Devs could you plse let us know when the raw stats will be fixed? We would all like to start recording the stats at each level and their increases. That will help us judge the worth of upgrading at each new level vs keeping or buying allies. Thx

  4. I support everything going on here.
  5. Ok so event over...now what about the raw stats? When can we expect these sorted guys? Please come back to us
  6. RAW STATS!!!!!!!!! We have less now then before the new buildings cane out. When the hell is this being fixed???