Hey, guys/girls some of you might know me and some may not. As my kaw name is a little bit on the inappropriate side I am willing to help all of you. You see im trying to make a change in KaW to make it more fun and more of the amazing game that we all love. If I could help 1 to 2 people a day, wether its helping a new player find out how to play or teach someone the basics of war. I am here with open arms and ready to help. Simply hit the follow button and wait for me too follow back and you can ask any question you want! Or you can simply just wall me. Thank you for your time, EveryFarmerNeedsAHoe
I would like too help out more. I dont need a spell saying im a good member. I want too know that im a good member of kaw. I would like too have one of those spells but some are not all that lucky
This I honestly like to see, members of the community reaching out not for help but to help. You'll do an outstanding job helping the community bhf I know that much. Thank you for taking the game to another level for yourself to help others that may be in need
Support Farmer. At least u wanna help the community. Not hating but I really haven't noticed what those blue ppl have done to help anyone or the green trolls Is it like a Pay off ATA thing? Im poor so no special treatments for me