How do you earn Nobility points ?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by MetalHeadChick_Guitarist_A7X, Oct 31, 2014.

  1. I am not the smartest KAW player but I want to learn and this is probably a stupid question XD but how do you earn nobility points ? Thank you for your feedback
  2. One does not simply collect nobility
  3. Oh well how can you get them or do you just not ?
  4. Buy them or keep redoing to first quest to get one is a mega rare drop.
  5. How do you redo the quest ?
  6. You press show all quests
  7. Quit spamming forums with these idiot questions. You can find the answer to all these stupid questions by clicking the help button on your home screen
  8. Don't be rude to the new one.

    This games already gone downhill enough on its own, no need for the player base to help that.

    And while its true Metal could have searched these answers, maybe Metal didn't know.