Introducing Castle Furnishing!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [ATA]Caster, Oct 24, 2017.

  1. Oh.. still no miracles then.
  2. Maybe they just don't care anymore... And are trying to milk the game just a little bit more before they announce that they're shutting it down... Like they did w/ FC... @_@
  3. Terrible update.
    This is not how you get back into top 10 grossing games in appstore.
  4. I am surprised nobody mentioned cost of aqua! Please bring it down to at least 2 xtals from 5. Very expensive to upgrade my showcase items! 
    I will not repeat what others already expressed, but will throw this at you.
    Please remove those annoying xtal pop ups 
    Do you really think we do not know how to regen army? Is this designed again to increase the amount of accidental regens while trying to dismiss stupid pop up? Somehow I suspect it has been included just for that - accidental regen. Same way banking in silver bars button was next to speaker purchase button. I am sure I was not the only one to get a load of speakers while attempting to bank. One star rating for current version! That is my reply to this paramount stupidity! And your greed!
  5. Lol had to catch up on the posts , seems this is going well 
  6. When can we enchant our furnishings for additional stats?

    Logged off and haven't done a single atk since Oct. 13. Saw there was an update in app store, was hoping for the next GOTH. Nope, now a P2P throne room, aka Civ II update.
  7. If the family guy horse was there the pricing would have been worth it.

    Now, why do you have the amount of gold we have on our account displayed in the furnishings menu when you can't buy anything with gold?
  8. Devs need to take a look at the ally lb only 1 person has bought the stupid rooms and 2 other ppl r just buying the nicknacks its a waste of time and money.
    But if the community really wants to make the devs listen we all need to take a stand and not buy this crap and stop spending on this game untill they fix what WE WANT. The max stats you get are 42m for over 1k nobs is a joke. Thats kaw saying we will be dumb and just buy what they tell us to buy.
  9. It’s funny how we ask for more pvp based something to make the game exciting again for players to stay for a change. Instead what do these devs do release a room no one asked for that is 100% p2p. Already bad enough with charm trading. War system is broken no real incentives to play unlike with mith actually meant something. Now it makes sense why the player base is shrinking and people rage quit because of stuff like this. More people would stay if this game wasn’t all tap tap or now just give us money and actually war or pvp based.
  10. ....hell can we at least pick our own designer? & style/model & whatnot? If we're gonna RP Ild rather sit my ass down on some Boca Do Lobo or Roche BoBois etc. 
  11. ...Maybe we can start with IKEA and Pottery Barn and upgrade? 
  12. Can we just throw new accounts house warmers now to welcome them to the game?
  13. This is what I want!!!! ...tell me how many nobs I must pay!!!!

    MAKE IT SO!!! 

  14. Whatever ‘moron’ thought bringing furnishings into a war game was a good idea.... should be sacked on the spot.... as should the Moron who agreed to it... kaw community.... do not spend 1 nob on this crap!!! Devs sort yourselves out and give the players what they ask for not what some half wit thinks would be nice!! Seriously stopping spending on this game!!
  15. This Martha Stewart update may be the last straw for me with kaw. Weve been asking for a ee fix for four years, instead we get a furniture gallery that makes Ethan Allen seem reasonable. You developers are shameless.

  16. upgrades for BOTH you

  17. I want a butler too!

    Ethan Allen is for poor people (lol)

    Roche BoBois
  18. haha you guys are funny.... wait this is serious? :lol:
  19. But seriously. Why tf would we want rooms with furnishings. This isnt goddamn sims.
  20. "Oh but guyz you don't have to buy them you can get them out of chests!!"

    What's the chances of a once a day free chest dropping a 999 nob horse? How often do you get a seal or circles?