Viskard Event Rewards

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Charlie, Mar 16, 2017.

  1. Hey everyone!

    Some players are experiencing difficulty in collecting rewards from Orison's of Glory Part 6: The Ordeal of Viskard.

    This is due to the system jumping the gun and deciding to handle giving you rewards instead of letting you click to collect (like what happens if a player doesn't log in after an event ends, the system hands them the reward).

    Some players may get the rewards in this manner as the clean up was triggered.

    All players will still get their rewards!

    This has also been updated to allow people to collect now instead of the system trying to give it to you.

    Sorry for the issue and thank you for your understanding!

    Again, everyone will still get their rewards!
  2. give us free stuff dammit
  3. Still having problems with the scales
  4. Whatcha' problems?
  5. @Shadester Last I heard we won't be able to use any empowering scales until tomorrow when all the ToW ebs are done. Is that right charlie?
  6. You are correct Doddydog.
  7. D4rK, the red ones are ignoring us again. o.o maybe we can sneak attack them.
  8. we must prepare... lower the size by 5 to hide us even more
  9. Done. Unloaded full spy bar and half atk bar on Charlie. No incoming returned. Our plan may be working! I think we should tie their boot laces up together. Or tie their leg hair up. They are apes.
  10. Is there an estimated time as to when the reward issue will be resolved? Thank you for your time.
  11. It should already be fixed.
  12. why are we whispering
  13. No sorry. I have submitted help tickets.
  14. Because we are sneaking up on Charlie to see if he has a free xstal in his pocket. We must take the precious!
  15. to stay hidden, duh. also... I can't hit, they're too small. you're the last one, complete the mission
  16. I will carrying on my wayward son. There will be health crystals when I am done. Lay your weary head to rest. I will farm the devs!
  17. Get nude Charlie
  18. Gotcha, nevermind thanks for response. And thorum post explaining :)
  19. Shadester, keep Charlie distracted, I need to regen.