We're looking into an issue where players may have started to receive rewards from the Preview Box Tab of the event page. We're going to look into this, and will ensure in the end players received the correct rewards they should of for the overall event. We'll update you as soon as we know more. Update This Preview Box Reward issue should be resolved now. We're working to finalize other rewards from the event soon.
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards that was in issue? that will be why i got a nice bit of equip then oops lol
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards djdj DONT DO just GIVE US THE DAMN SILVER BARS LEL AND ALSO GIVE US 10 trillion seals of damned
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards Yup, i had staff, opened rewards and now have maxed out shoulders which it said i had 2 of and nothing else, fingers out devs and fix
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards So you got free maxed shoulders...and you want it fixed so you won't have them?
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards The stupid is strong with people today, must be due to the elections or they could have been stupid from birth who really knows.
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards If need be yes, would rather staff than shoulders, if i wanted shoulders id have not ug from them
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards Fix it. Many of us upgraded legs to chest, just to see people get free chest pieces having not spent the 34500 dews.
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards Coughccough devastation cough[/quote]The noob-ness is strong in you alts...if you had better bfe too start with then you would perhaps understand...if not then stop your hating and take your freebies and stick em where the sun just dont shine kiddos
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards He has to wait for those diamondchips then, that's what they're for.