Ban The Player Above You

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Banned for not using a hashtag

  2. Banned because that's pound sign or could also be a number sign example #1
  3. Banned for being smart

  4. Banned because Pimd is full of pervs
  5. banned 4 bringing that spam in2 this thread
  6. Banned because i am a perv & do not approve of pimd
  7. Banned for being a perv. I also not approve of this
  8. Banned for not approving of me being a perv lol
  9. Banned 4 wanting an approval
  10. Banned for allowing people, to approve being pervy sage
  11. Banned because Jiraiya was a awesome sage
  12. Banned for killing jiraiya rip pervy sage ;(
  13. Banned because I would never! He's one of my idols!
  14. Banned for hiding your revenge on jiraiya for being too successful on his romantic novels
  15. Banned because it was Cyborg Franky that done it I swear !
  16. I ban you and cyborg franky for his death
  17. Banned because Franky's SUUUUPPPPEEEERR
  18. You're banned for making franky super powerful
  19. Banned because it's Cola that does that job
  20. Banned for stealing my cola