Ban The Player Above You

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Banned for using a Sao gif to ban me Moistcat
  2. Banned cuz hahaha
  3. banned cos u phat
  4. Banned for not being Samuel L. Jackson
  5. banned for being the guy instead of a guy
  6. Banned for not being Percy Jackson, son of posiden
  7. Banned for not being catdog
  8. Banned for being delicious
  9. Banned 4 eating them
  10. Banned for eating my double cheeseburger chili cheese fries, my crispy chicken sandwich and larg cherry Coke Zero -.-
  11. Banned for the Coke zero, seriously?
  12. Banned because yes the Coke Zero. You evil ratchihuahua
  13. Banned 4 drinking that battery cleaner known as coke... drink mountain dew its much better
  14. Banned because mountain dew is gross
  15. Banned because Mt is so much better then coke it's unreal
  16. Banned cuz yuck
  17. Banned 4 not developing the right taste buds...
  18. Banned because come on bro, you can't fix stupid. You just kill it before it breeds! You know this
  19. Banned cuz mountain dew is for weirdos
  20. Banned because Mt Dew is for gamer's.