Ban The Player Above You

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Banned because I had no lessons
  2. Banned 4 not showing up 2 all the classes
  3. Banned because you'll, be spending in summer school learning kawstory again
  4. Banned 4 not knowing that school is out 4 summer
  5. Banned because you're getting detention
  6. Banned because the office people knew me on a first name basis ;)
  7. Banned because I as a rebel with a cause
  8. Banned cuz rip James dean
  9. Banned because rip Johnny Cash aswell
  10. Banned cuz why do famous people die so soon ;(
  11. Banned cuz Betty White is still around
  12. Banned because nobody cares about Betty white
  13. Banned for not providing an appropriate reason of banning and driving a yellow car
  14. Banned 4 selling them that yellow car
  15. Banned for giving me bad prices at the yellow car
  16. Banned 4 having crappy gas mileage
  17. Banned for using gas not electric
  18. Banned cuz electric isnt the way 2 go... cost more 2 maintain etc etc