Ban The Player Above You

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Banned because yes you created a monster
  2. Banned, because it was your idea! Can't blame the dog for this one
  3. Banned because it was your dna and likeness caused the aliens to turn him the opposite you
  4. Banned for giving the aliens my DNA!
  5. Banned for taking my food, vehicles, money and my ban hammer!
  6. Banned for, Not labeling the food (again I'm not Snoopy, Brian or a dog that can read), Keeping the keys in the vehicles in question (seriously, that's just begging to be stolen) & lastly, you lost that hammer! Jeez clean out your vehicles sometime & you'd find it!

    P.s. The money was NOT ME jeez lmfao I am batdog!
  7. Banned 4 being part of the alien conspiracy which in turn changed me in2 the opposite not a dog but a cat instead
  8. Banned for plotting revenge on batdog and the aliens
  9. Banned for avoiding Catdog or Batcat references
  10. Banned for drinking with the aliens and taking selfies with them while lost was in the tube
  11. Banned for being my kitty cat
  12. Banned for giving me Canadian bacon :/
  13. Banned because, space booze. I'm not turning it down
  14. Banned for drinking while driving my new alien spaceship /).(\
  15. Banned 4 eating that canadian bacon u know that its just a piece of ham? its not bacon like real bacon and no not talking about turkey crap either...
  16. Banned for getting stoned with the aliens who probed you
  17. Banned, for trying to claim all the vehicles. Seriously bro, I know they make you moist but damn XD
  18. Banned from using that word and double for damages
  19. Banned for getting moist Everytime you see a new vehicle
  20. Banned for not paying for your food and not paying me compensation