Discussion in 'Activities' started by IlIIpsychedeIicIlIlshamanllIIl, Mar 23, 2014.

  1. I have a really strange question what I found really interesting. I was reading a lot about this items and seems their description really intresting. Is there any chance are those things what written they true? I think if the game developers make a new innovation and like in the fruit games make it to use spells on enemy. Whit different links as u need to pick the best combo for items. Of course propacks get more advantage of spells to increase they perm items. I think the game would be more enjoy able. Let it think!
  2. It isn't connected to the items but I think the clan info system needs upgrade to info those who are in clan (unfortunately ca only enough to inform the actual things of the game) can see an other longer description about the clan systems. There is many family whome got lots of mentors but this system don't need much activity. With a wall where u can make description for different ebs different bar technik then much more EB's can be saved and make less arguing in the game. Of course bcos different ebs needs different kind of bar useges.... I found many good epic war where the member works for each other not for they self personally much more awards can be earned....better team work as well.
  3. Item ideas: some combo make off regen, with a suitable propack longer off regent to stop the farmer. Runes make it work good to see if somebody lurking on my acct can prepare myself an ambush. Some def combo at attack make to the enemy jump off the acct back to BL to make an other search for opponent. blind scroll whit screen for 30s etc etc even these lil things can be good against the cheaters as well
  4. Okay so

    Spell of Amnesia ~ Clears Memory of Foe

    Amulet of Truth ~ Makes them say all they know

    Guessing I use one or the other...they can't tell you anything if you just wiped their memory
