The Official Banner Guide

Discussion in 'Guides' started by King-Arthurs-Corp, Dec 27, 2014.

  1. Great guide!!
  2. Yea you have, I do a crap load of effort for meh threads simplely because I can :p
  3. Great thanks
  4. any new banners coming?
  5. Ive noticed banners have a glow when the player has an active spell. I was wondering why the centre bit of the banner can either be white as in the pictures in this guide or yellow? This is for the normal banners found in the game
  6. Quit necrobump ing clay.

  7. Stop trying to bury Zaft response Clay buy bumping old thread. Too bad you can no be ban for trying to bury the Zaft thread.
  8. Update:

    This guide has been updated.
  9. What happened to updates?