Grand Guide to Epic Battles It really depends on your build as to which EB you can hit and which EB is for you but a rough guide is: <25 lands with T1 builds stick to Tier 1 Epic Battles <25 lands with T2 buildings stick to Tier 2 & Tier 3 Epic Battles <25 lands with T3 buildings stick to Tier 3 & Tier 4 Epic Battles <25 lands with T4 buildings stick to Tier 4 & Tier 5 Epic Battles 25+ lands with T4 buildings stick to Tier 5 & Tier 6 Epic Battles 30+ lands with T4 & T5 buildings stick to Tier 6 & Tier 7 Epic Battles 40+ lands with T4 & T5 buildings stick to Tier 7 and Tier 8 Epic Battles 50+ lands with T4 & T5 & T6 buildings stick to Tier 10 Epic Battles Operating outside of the above is possible but expect to use crystals, spells, High BFA, and/or potions to compensate for your build. Also note: spy builds have a much easier time hitting so Hansels, Hybrids, and Purespies may be able to operate against Epic Battles harder than their Troop Build counterparts. This guide is by no means 100% accurate and is simply based on my observations. Some Epic Battles in the same tier are harder than others. Also, some require different builds to complete. For example: Foreign Territories is a Spy Only Epic Battle whereas New Growth is practically a Troop Only Epic Battle. However this guide should give you a basic starting point.
Tier 1 and 2 Epic Battles Table Of Contents: Click Links below Tier 1 Epic Battles: Calydor the Depraved Tier 1 Epic Battles Calydor the Depraved Level 1 - Warbeasts Level 2 - Cover Of Night Level 3 - Kingdom Assault Level 4 - To The Chamber Level 5 - The Depraved Level 6 - Revenge of the War Beast Tier 2 Epic Battles: Z'uthmerak of Despair Tier 2 Epic Battles Z'uthmerak of Despair Level 1 - The Awakening Level 2 - The Despair Level 3 - The Forgotten Ones Level 4 - The Reckoning
Tier 3 and 4 Epic Battles Tier 3 Epic Battles: Usaris the Troll King Tier 3 Epic Battles Usaris the Troll King Level 1 - Abandoned Kingdom Level 2 - Foreign Territories Level 3 - Battle Royale Level 4 - Origins Tier 4 Epic Battles: Thorak the Destroyer Tier 4 Epic Battles Thorak the Destroyer Level 1 - Evanescence Level 2 - No Mans Land Level 3 - Ambush Level 4 - The Destroyer
Tier 5 Epic Battles Tier 5 Epic Battles: Apheriun of Exile Tier 5 Epic Battles Apheriun of Exile Level 1 - The Haunting Level 2 - No Quarter Level 3 - City of the Dead Level 4 - Figure of Death Level 5 - Haunting - The Escape If you already have the Equipment from these Epic battles there is a chance it will drop:
Tier 6 Epic Battles Tier 6 Epic Battles: Hawthorn The Wretched Tier 6 Epic Battles Hawthorn The Wretched Level 1 - Talons of Carnage Level 2 - New Growth Level 3 - Scionic Storm Level 4 - Sporavek's Revenge If you already have the Equipment from these Epic battles there is a chance it will drop:
Tier 7 Epic Battles Tier 7 Epic Battles: Moutos the Malevolent Tier 7 Epic Battles Moutos the Malevolent Level 1 - The Barren Orchard Level 2 - Terrain Travails Level 3 - Crossing the Threshold Level 4 - The Cave of Riches Level 5 - The Gilded Lord If you already have the Equipment from these Epic battles there is a chance it will drop:
Tier 8 Epic Battles Tier 8 Epic Battles: Skorpios the Deathstalker Tier 8 Epic Battles Skorpios the Deathstalker Level 1 - Storm the Palace Level 2 - The Vipers Den Level 3 - Desert Sting Level 4 - A Cold Calling If you already have the Equipment from these Epic battles there is a chance it will drop:
Tier 9 & 10 Epic Battles Tier 9 Epic Battles: The Vanished Paladins Tier 9 Epic Battles The Vanished Paladins Level 1 - The Vanished Paladins Tier 10 Epic Battles: Jorathe the Silver Tier 10 Epic Battles Jorathe the Silver Level 1 - The Frozen City Level 2 - Wasteland Wilds Level 3 - Glacial Squall Level 4 - The Sleeping Giant
Tier 11 & 12 Epic Battles Tier 11 Epic Battles: Scrag the Bloodless Tier 11 Epic Battles Scrag the Bloodless Level 1 - Smoke Signals Level 2 - The Summoner Level 3 - A Familiar Foe a Guide by chocolate23 Level 4 - A Sacrifice of Flesh a Guide by chocolate23 Tier 12 Epic Battles: Wrath of the Sveruganti Tier 12 Epic Battles Wrath of the Sveruganti Level 1 - Lignabelua of the Lowlands a Guide by chocolate23 Level 2 a Guide by chocolate23 Level 3 a Guide by chocolate23 Level 4 a Guide by chocolate23 Any Epic Battles Not Listed above Click Here for Chocolate23's Guides. and don't forget to say thank you for his efforts. :mrgreen:
Equipment Equipment Click on the image to see all levels of enchantment and cost Slot 1 = Hands -Iron Gauntlets obtained from Sporavek's Revenge and -Claw Gauntlets obtained from Glacial Squall Slot 2 = Arms -Leonine Arm Plate obtained from Epic Battle No Mans Land and -Aureate Bracers obtained from Epic Battle Terrain Trevails and -Sun Flare Bracers obtained from Epic Battle Wasteland Wilds Slot 3 = Shoulders -Quicksilver Plates obtained from Epic Battle Talons of Carnage and -Viridescent Shield obtained from Epic Battle Terrain Trevails and -Desert Cloak obtained from Epic Battle The Viper's Den Slot 4 = Head -Hystricidae Helmet obtained from Epic Battle Origins and from Epic Battle No Quarter and -Stalwart Helm obtained from Epic Battle Crossing the Threshold and -Deathstalker Helm obtained from Epic Battle Desert Sting Slot 5 = Weapon -Abyssal Sword obtained from Epic Battle Figure of Death and -Searing Sickle obtained from Epic Battle New Growth and -Diamondiferous obtained from Epic Battle Figure of Death and -Stingpoint obtained from Epic Battle Desert Sting Slot 6 & 8 = Ring -Silica Ring of Silence obtained from Epic Battle Talons of Carnage and -Snare Ring obtained from Epic Battle The Gilded Lord and -Ring of Illusion obtained from Epic Battle Storm The Palace and -Stinger Ring obtained from Epic Battle Wasteland Wilds Slot 7 = Off Hand -Ice Guardians Shield obtained from Epic Battle City of the Dead and -Electric Storm Bow obtained from Epic Battle The Gilded Lord Slot 9 = Boots -Pinioned Boots obtained from Soravek's Revenge and -Steadfast Sollerets obtained from Epic Battle The Barren Orchard and -Boots of the Badlands obtained from Epic Battle A Cold Calling Slot 10 = Legs -Hooves of Destruction obtained from Epic Battle The Reckoning and from Epic Battle No Mans Land and -Golden-Plated Greaves obtained from Epic Battle The Barren Orchard Slot 11 = Body -Armor of Eternal Fire obtained from Epic Battle Destroyer and -Nether Realm Breastplate obtained from Epic Battle No Quarter and -Vermeil Breastplate obtained from Epic Battle Cave of Riches and -Exoskeleton Armor obtained from Epic Battle A Cold Calling Slot 12 = Trinket -Torrent Talisman obtained from Epic Battle Scionic Storm and -Crown of Virtue obtained from Epic Battle The Gilded Lord and -Deathstalker Amulet obtained from Epic Battle Glacial Squall
Re: ♔ Epic Battles (PvE) ♔ First: Attack & Assassinate the Defenses Second: Use Scouts to Gather Intelligence to complete the mission
Re: ♔ Epic Battles (PvE) ♔ Mission Completion: Your spies return from the enemy. Calydor appears to be guarding a massive vault of treasure.
Re: ♔ Epic Battles (PvE) ♔ CLAN COMPLETION BONUS UNLOCKED When your clan completes this mission for the first time it unlocks the Calydor the Depraved Clan Achievement to Level 1 which has the following total bonuses: Attack bonus = 1% to everyone while they are in clan the clan Defense Bonus = 0% to everyone while they are in clan the clan Spy Attack = 0% to everyone while they are in clan the clan Spy Defense = 0% to everyone while they are in clan the clan
Re: ♔ Epic Battles (PvE) ♔ SPECIAL ITEMS DROPPED FROM THIS MISSION Rare Item (drop is completely random):