Improving trade function

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by chad_da_king, Mar 13, 2018.

  1. make a function that accurately shows the sum of charms in your showcase and each individual charm.

    allow others to make offers via showcase to showcase like x offers 300 m for your stairs and whatever charms allowing the person to view and suggest a counter or accept from nf.
    (Allow ppl to make their show case private ?)

    This addition would avoid deals glitching and pissing ppl off who were working on less than simplistic trade deals. I'm sure all of us have the occasional headache determining the correct assortment of charms.

    have a market where you can put a higher cs item in and get equal mcs worth of smaller charms or vice versa.
    to keep balance and prevent ppl from scamming the system for the item they want like when buying / selling sb kaw taxes... instead of taxing the market, have it where those bigger charms bought from small charms don't add to ur cs only accessible through trades.As a counter point do allow the small charms to be added as a cs bonus

    on a side note that may catch some flak but anyway

    give people a small chance like .5 percent to acquire the super rare charms of the time ie but not necessarily ice tails it musters incentive to use the function , won't exactly Flood the market and if a few extras are out there will slightly bring done certain item's excessive premiums while not stopping them from doing so
  3. 90% of kaw is Alts don’t need to give a point anything chance of getting rare items to those already manipulating the system
  4. Ok lets say we eliminate the the rare equip chances do u agree on the rest
  5. Charms are useless so it doesn't matter
  6. Lame. No support