Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Adonis-ICE_MaCHiNE, Jan 6, 2018.

  1. I do but that's not really the point I'd say kaw at this point is at least 80% non spending alts sad really.
  2. I spend a very small amount of money on this game, the only thing that would change that is to drop the prices, however if the devs would make the suggested improvements the prices would most likely go up as a result.
  3. My issue is unfair silences
  4. FRANKY.
  5. Silence these nuts
  6. And if I can get 15k lb on event without doing anything but opening free boxes then the 20k below me aren’t really active.
  7. Or just leave so you don’t have to stress about devs trying to fix a dying game
  8. I was silenced for the word ‘apocaphile’. Mods getting to carried away u devils.
  9. lol they were making 4 mil a month back in 2011 (Google it) way way way before HTE or ZTA came out. There were hardly any in game purchases then.

    It's just amazing to me that they couldn't keep enough interest in KAW to at least keep profits at pre HTE/ZTA levels? They arrogant asses, made money so easy in the past they arrogant and entitled now & don't give a damn about the player base that got them there. They all go to hell lol
  11. I swear this is how everything was before GaW was shut down and then everything went downhill. Afterall the devs are employees cant we get them fired?
  12.  the owners literally made hundreds of millions off of KAW alone 

    ...they don't give a damn bout what you I or anyone has to say. They out balling and big pimpin lol

    They've also said in the past in articles they were gonna do some kind of philanthropic work 

    you can look that up they havnt done squat other then stupid hurricane/disaster promos that raise couple ten thousand dollars (remember 4mil a month) 
  13. They're 1% elitest now ...honestly they don't give a damn
  14. I remember years ago seeing on a job bulletin board they were looking to hire support. I think the rate was like $14 an/hour something close to that 

    Come on now they cheap asses lol 
  15. Lmao Acrap is the biggest reason everyone is quitting!
  16. Not really sure who Acrap is but I’ll tell you this much. This thread will not go away until we hear from the Devs...and if it gets locked I’ll open another and another and another until we get something back from them. So settle in Devs this ain’t going anywhere. Enough is enough. Either that or gimme back the money I’ve spent and I’ll gladly walk away....
  17. I have a message to the devs too
  18. F u devs I'm out.... thousands of dollars in this game.
  19. Sincerely grymln