Refresh pinned thrrads

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by FlyingSolo, Aug 6, 2017.

  1. Please archive all pinned posts across the forum once they are no longer relevant. An example is the Netherking thread from last weekend
  2. Ok, will habben shortly.
  3. @kasama is my favorite dev <3
  4. #KasamaForVK #KasamaForMod #KasamaForDev #KasamaForAnythingUseful
  5. Support, Also many guides and such are out of date also. Alot of the forums need a good refresh.
  6. This is a fair comment. I'll collect information from other moderators and the developers to unsticky threads which have served their time.

    Obviously when it comes to unstickying or unpinning threads it's more helpful to have a replacement so possibly useful information is not lost. If you can use this thread to suggest threads that are not pinned that should be that would be very helpful and I'll flag that to the team.

    A small note, threads in the guides section are moved there by moderators to start with and therefore there's little need to sticky/pin any of those as they are in the designated helpful section. If you think some threads should be in guides that aren't then also post them here and I'll take a look!

    Remember that the forums dislikes the ampersand on devices so if you're to link a thread make sure you use a URL Shortener like or tinyurl to make it work!

  7. I am very excite, Moody have saved day.

    Moody number wun. Moody is goody.
  8. I am just completing your will Kasama  for you are overlord

    #kasamaforvk #kasamaformod #kasamafor[ata]Grant