An interesting future.

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Razzad888, Jul 21, 2017.

  1. I know the title is rather generic but if I come up with something better whilst writing i'll change it (it was previously "new eb"), and please note that im writing this on a phone so spelling mistakes are likely and hopefully forgivable.
    So the way I see this is that the developers want to keep people interested in their game (obvious I know), and to do this they have epic battles where players get gold to upgrade and build their kingdoms (still on the obvious, i'm getting there). That is basically all there is to the game (minus warring which has little to no support from what i've gathered from my multiple years of play), therefore there are two major ways that a player can become bored and lose interest with the game: when a player stagnates in their acquisition of gold,their income from epic battles means that time betweem upgrades increases and nothing changes for them so the game becomes the same day in day out. Boredom. Or a player reaches the highest tier kingdom they can and again nothing changes for them day by day.
    There are ways to solve these problems, a solution to the second is clear and has already been implemented a few times over years, the addition of new lands to build upon. The soluion to the first problem is a little more difficult to solve, balancing out the pay off for completing epic battles and the time they take to complete would help with that I believe, however it still might not solve the problem completely as if there are too few people for a given tier of epic battle then completing one becomes more and more time consuming for the players involved and consequently their gold income slows which leads to boredom as before.
    Now the reason i'm writing this isn't to criticize the devolopers on their design choices, I want it to be more of a helpful dump (for want of a better word) of ideas that could help improve a game that I have honestly enjoyed over the past 5 ish years.
    Back to ideas, to help with ebs (it takes more time to spell out epic battle each time and by now i'm hoping I can be a little more informal with you all) taking a long time to finish, it could help if they scaled in length or life points depending upon how many players were in a clan when an eb has been initiated or with active participants, maybe a mixture of the two as I can think of a few waysto cheat the system otherwise. This would make ebs quicker to finish with less people and have a similar overall payout in the same timespan that they do now. Even if the players aren't getting more gold they will feel like they are achieving more and hence be more involved and interested in the game.
    On a different note, the legends page the developers recently introduced to the game was a brilliant move. Its a great way to hand out quests to players and to track their progress in the numerous events that are run almost constantly. They add an interesting dynamic to the game where players collect items and try to get the more than evryone else, a little competition is agreat way to keep people interested. However getting to place on the leaderboards is a difficult task for a large number of players and it rewards the same people time and time again. Im not saying they dont deserve it as im sure they spend alot of time and resources to achieve a place, but this means the rest of us lose interesimg in even trying to place. My suggestion for this would be to introduce something like daily quests which would bring people back day after day, I am aware that alot of other similar games do this already and you may not want to follow suit for many reasons, I only want to give ideas and if any are helpful or inspiring then even better. You could have "complete 10 scout actions against an enemy kingdom", or "steal 100,000,000 gold from other players", it would be a challenge and if you had a list of say 20-30 of them then 5-10 could be allocated randomly each day to keep things interesting. Maybe give players a choice of three quests they could complete, each in a different area, say spy actions,troop actions or actions on an eb and allow them to pick one ot complete for the day.
    Another though entirly, why not revamp the current quest system. Its good for small players but now with the starting packthat is offered to new players they are even less relavent. Possibly make some harder quests with better payout, scale those up a bit for larger players.

    Anyway i'm going to hope this gets read by someone that matters and maybe they might get some of their own idea for game improvements through reading mine, heck maybe even some of the ideas I mentioned could be used. I wish for an interesteing future for this game and I hope I will get to see it.

    I just want to add that I have zero evidence or figures to speculate upon the popularity or spendature of the game or its players, and I am only making assumptions based upon fellow "vocal" players.
  3. I agree, revamp the quests, makes spy quests available. I didn't really understand what you meant with the clan eb thing. My thought is make hte free. We need it at this point.
  4. Gee, thanks!