Show Case

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Persistence, Jul 18, 2017.

  1. I see that if we click on a item i see how many i owe create a button in it to use it !!
  2. Or just go to the market place and open it normally
  3. If talking about chests one would need to open with the correct key from the marketplace as usual
  4. No bodies business how many crux I have!
  5. It is now

  6. What difference does it make how many chests you have its not like how many def items you have.
  7. But why though, its needless.
  9. Gr8 now everyone knows my crux storage numbers :/
  10. Where do I find the showcase I've not been on in a while
  11. So what's the problem. It does not give your bank details
  12. It's an obvious invasion of privacy, I am outraged.
  13. Virtual Pixels have no privacy privileges

  14. This many :)
  15. Given a certain developer comment a few weeks ago, it's quite possible that the showcase is the predecessor to introducing trading between players. In the future, everything in the showcase could become tradeable.

    In that context, it makes sense for Crux Chests to move to the showcase.
  16. If you're on a PC or a older mobile device that doesn't support newer updates you won't be able to see the Showcase.

    If you've a newer mobile device, you can see it near the top of your profile. You may need to update the app if it hasn't been updated in a while.
  17. I think they should add xtals and nobs to showcase as well. I don't see how it's an invasion of privacy for people to be able to see and keep track of every single thing I own all the time...
  18. I don't like people knowing how many chests o have
  19. @U Been Hugged, does that mean the "scout" spy ability is also an invasion of privacy?
  20. I thought this thread was about showcase? Stats have been listed on your profile since the day the game came out. If you're so inclined you can figure out someone's exact build just based on that using a build calculator, so no figuring out someone's build when the stats are listed right in front of your eyes is not an invasion of privacy. It is a "showcase" why can't I choose what items I want to showcase. There is literally no purpose to having every single old half enchanted equip, every crux, every icon of agony, etc in my showcase. What if I don't want people to know that my strange addiction is hoarding cruxes? Why didn't the devs take that time to make actual beneficial changes to the game? Door glitch? Non-premium ebs? HOW ABOUT LEGENDS SUPPORT ON PC? But no, instead of actual beneficial changes that improve gameplay experience and keep players around longer everyone gets to see how many cruxes someone has? Brilliant.