PETITION: Petition to remove/replace the False Advertising, Endless loop-hole survey/Ads tab in the Oracle(Company is Fyber) which says every offer is free, yet 10 minutes later and 100 redirects, you're required to pick and buy a silver, gold and platinum offer to continue. BTW devs cannot "regulate what is offered or any misleading offers" in this tab thing ( Fyber is the Company), but they can remove them from KAW! Sign now! Can we At least Have TapJoy? You can also spam their feedback too! **Edit**(If Filthy allows it) ^ Honestly though. Id watch a 2min vid for a nob in my free time. At least it would work *9/16/2016* For Easier Understanding of The current list of supporters, i will be Grouping users into CS/groups to show the fullness of Support from smalls-bigs. Currently All pre lvl 11-20 bc Users will be Yellow All Allstar War winners will Have **☆☆Name☆☆** and all vk's or moderators will be cyan for vk or lime for mods ☆Comming☆ 9/21/2016-9/22/2016 : Players will be arranged into groups depending on cs. The groups will be <20mil cs 20-50mcs 50-150mcs 150-250mcs 250-350mcs and 350mcs+( For ease of understanding ) Since September 2016, several supporters on this list have gone to the kaw graveyard(exluding those whom did in the active duration of the thread) Rip If you would like to be removed from this list. Pm. suptis2. 1. Suptis 2.Suptis2 3. 4. 5. _JB_ 6.Jesus [/\_/\] 7.God 8. Ghost 9.Therealist 10.Cobra 11. OA_NaNjeMoYChiC_TH 12. -grizzy- 13. DarkSilentKnight 14. d3mon_ 15. LMFAO 16.BartE1977 17. NzPhewazhere 18. Rochendil 19. Tyaeria 689.4mcs+ 20.Lili_Pain_in_Ur_Rear_ISS 21.Phoenix991 22.AshtonRocks 23. -WIL- 24.-III-ISI-IAI-I-INI-ITI-III- 25. BEP47 26. IlGenocide_OF_KOTFE_MaCHiNEIl 27. _JAY_JAY_ 28. JV-Triton 29. -_Triky_- 30. NW_King_Of_Noobs_CB 31. TYR_Twin_TYR 32. 33. Trendychicc 34. Stalker 35. Mink 36.JohnHuff 37. AQV_xx__MH__xxAQV 38. ---chaos--- 39._No-Name-MaCHiNE_ 40.ISS_BenLSA_ISS 41. Kristell 42. ISS_The_DirtyDugan_ISS 43. AshesOfEden 44. Atom-The_Summoner 45. Yoda 46. Dread_Pirate_Roberts_Unleashed 47. CocaineLion 48. Nowlin 49. Sickdexlick 50. Index 51. Oleeevia 52. Killzone 53. -Sweet-n-Sauer- 54. bela-bela 55. l_l_l- TheDarkDragon-l_l_l 56. Jackalope 57. wattz 58. KaW-player-Ivan 59. AVMMF-FruityInYourMouth-SWOD 60 Aphex_Twin 61. -IRISH_DON- 62. Yamashta 63. -Ivan- 64. M__A__T__T__Y[/color] 65. TeamC 902.3mcs+ 66. Suckers251 67. xXPXxllxXKXx 68. ALPHA_King_of_the_Warriors 69. llIIllGenera[/color] 70. CaL 856mcs+ 71. ☆☆Flame☆☆ rip 72. -_-MP_XIX_Lurker_XIX_ZE-_- 73. PhartacusX 74. Tiny_Terror-TS 75. 2Bar 76. PRIME 77. Moody 78. IlIlIlI_Shadester_IlIlIlI 79. Mex_The_Great 80. donkeykill 463mcs+ 81. -HoBo- 82. Blue-Tiger 83. illIIlIHOLYIlIIlDOMOIlIlIIi 84. C0ML3Y 85. blightstrider 86. Devin99 87. -Seti- 88. Omega 89. Pyrismo 90. POiSONiNK 91. DevilsBride 92. --LayDee_LongBrow-- 93. NEO-_kkaazzuuyyaa_-NEO 94. -SilentJ 95. grim90 96. JJJJJA 97. MixPlayRepeat 98. Lonesong 99. TF_WArloR_TF 100. DeOppressoLiber 101. depressed_assbutt 102. Nujabes 103. llI_llIl_Master_Yup_lIll_Illl 104. 105. Pharysene 106. _-sada-_ 107. IllIllISHERIFF_FATMANIllIllI 108. Milky65 109. Xx_QueenCat_xX 110.---____xXxDJSnakexXx____--- 111. Nefarious 112. Bachkeda 113. SE___-llINlI-lIUl-lIKl-lI3l-SE 114. Na_Dra-Dragon 115. ZomBKing 116. 117. CrimsonQurupeco 118. luvdh2 119. TROOPERKINGS 120. swordmaster2 121. IIlIIIllIl-Eldrynil-lIllIlIIlI 122. Kickass_Si 123. manduu 124. Vanessa 125. pinkfrogsofireland123 126. Kezzer 127. ISS_DllRIYlllIWlIAlllTlIEIllRl 128. l________PACKERBACKER________I 129. Jackson 130. xXxRPL_XxAcidsniperzxX_RPLxXx 131. MaJiN-Buu 132. xXxRPL_Gunscreek_RPLxXx 133.lIlIlIReverse_PsychologyIlIlIl 134. Petrichor 135. RIMMSKINATOR 136.X2X-EllLllLllAllBllUllRllG-X2X 137. NinjaFresh 138. NGHTMRE 139. budz-sowler-budz 140. LoCK_The_DReAdKnIgHT 141. DeIta 142. Pod 143. Meek 144. SuPeR-SmUrF 145. MrsDoppelganger 146. Awesomesauce 147. C-and-C-with-clean-windows 148. noobhunter94 149. -hyphen- 150. the_great_assassin 151. Demigryph 152. InXaNaYrU 153. blightstrider 154. SEV7EN 155. **☆☆-Joel-☆☆** 156. Antheia 157. XxXbatdogXxX 158. Matrix(Pheles) 159. Yahyajohn1 160. -_Vic-The_Vicious_- 161. Mc-Hammer 162. Hangoutwithmywangout 163. grim90 164. LHL_Legendary_MadHatter_LHL 165. AE-Queen-AE 166. llSllPll-Lethal-RnGdE-llSllPll 167. __Demonised-xXxll-EaglexXxll__ 168. **☆☆XxX-_-SERENDlPITY-_-XxX☆☆** 169. Arkst 170. Cr_eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewok_Cr 171. AGRKILLER 172. Xx-ian-xX 173. Fernpool 174. TAN_xBlAckRoSe_GRA 175. Idontexist 176.34533235DeDemonLord 177. FireHeartLion 178. Saxon 179. SuperFatGazLeader 179. Lil-Jeffs-Big-Brother 180. rumpelstiltskin 534mcs+ 181. K2 685mcs 182. DevilsBride 183. God0fDeath 184.llXlllWelshllXllWizardllllXll 185. Os-Mayhem 186.Foxflame258 187. 188. **☆☆FinalSage☆☆** 189. Kanra 190. War-Eagle(TNX Eagle) 191. chefie 192. 0007____BOND____007 193. HeyYouNotYouYou_______________ 194. -SFH-_HellsAngel_-SFH- 195. _DC_CoMiC-Bo0k_MaCHiNE 196.Boom 620mcs+ 197. ]Chocochimp 198. ALPHA_Dragon-LORD 199. Dylan42 200. Leavanny 201. Iamlikelol 202. xixile 203. Awesomesauce 204. OfficerMemesworth 205. semichrist 206. -DropBuild-Excalibur- 207. StealthGoat[/color] 208. -RaiNBow_DaSh-NooBLeT- 209. Legacy 560mcs+ 210. Spyro-the-purple-Dragon 211. Face_Of_Awesome7 212. HW-xXWOLFxPACKXx 213. Jamw 214. FeaRme 215. Penguin 216. 67 217. Clumzeh-_-Flyen-_-Spidah 218. -lTlNlXl-llWllAllLllEllSll- 219.Magni_imatator 220. 77-Slayer-77 221. ll-OK-ll 222. Calydon 223. Lorien 224. Can't_Quit_Kaw 225. War_Horse 226. Buddha 227. _wandering_ 228. Blaspheme 583.4mcs+ 229. -__notSTACKinCASHveryFAST__- 230. Ml_Unkown_Ml 231. StayStrong 232. RandomGirl 233. IIlllllIl_Spahnacus_IIIlllllI 234. RedHotNiki 520mcs+ 235. NemesisFlip 236. Anuilindula 237. DragonMama 238. managment 239. WiCkEd-MaGiK 240. Drgn 241. Chocolate23 242. MrX 243. Bagel 244. **☆☆Bincrazy81☆☆** 245. Sonder 420mcs 246. Altitude 247. -Rio- 248. Phantom 249. Whipped_cream 250 spyro-the-purple-dragon 251. shaktira 252. Avatar lll-Hadd_Ho-lll Togekiss xxMiss-Daynaxx Its_5_Oclock_Somewhere Nate 12/21/18. Loool. Coffee pls -9/25/17- When #252 is filled in, this thread will be locked. As always, petitions don't change anything. Ive grown rather tired of updating it as well tbh. -3/3/2017- All names in white have either changed names by the time i began calculating stats or had removed their name from the thread. Keep in mind the stat addition was added in 9/11/16, yet the thread began in Late June-Early July
Re: "Free Nobs" Tab in Oracle I was told to contact Fyber Support if I had an issue with offers. I did so, and haven't received a response. I support removal of their offers!
Re: "Free Nobs" Tab in Oracle Congrats then. You haven't had to waste alot of time for nothing, as many other have