Hey just a quick one, So some clans have that one immature person who changes information and writes offensive announcements... When someone changes the CA, Clan information or something else it would be a good idea to log these important changes. I would be proposing a simple system: "X updated the clan information" "X updated the clan announcement" Basically the way promoting members announces in the clan chat... If you trust your team you could always turn it off?
I would prefer it so that warlord and war chief get it sent to them as a notification so it keeps drama to a minimum. Support though
And this is so easily done? People can act in ways to gain trust and then stab you in the back. I've seen this in most clans so I'm sure you are being hard headed here.
We kind of get that. If I'm out of the app I get a notification every time the CA changes and it will say who did it. Though it only says it if you're out of the app.
Having experienced this myself, I understand it's quite irritating. A log could very well help clans. I'd also like to see logs for which admin accepted a member, which kicked a member and who it was, CP updates etc. It's not a major improvement but I believe it helps to keep the clan running smoothly while holding admins accountable. Unfortunately, devs mentality on this is to be careful with who we give admin roles too. I'd say most owners would do this anyway. However, occasionally admins will fall into the wrong hands or someone once trusted can no longer be. As such, such a log would help owners keep a closer eye on what's going on. Particularly if they are not online.
It doesn't make the developers richer so yeah I don't reckon we will see anything, but hey... Hopefully something soon.
Agreed. Also, this becomes an issue even more so with current roles because the owner is not the only one who can assign roles.
Unfortunately this is now the yardstick upon which all ideas need to be compared. It is really disappointing to see devs are no longer interested in game improvements or any updates really, that don't earn them money. Such updates are few and far between these days. Last one was probably clan roles (not implemented well to say the least) and forum layout. They fail to realise that game improvements are more likely to keep players and get in new players (potential new spenders). Nonetheless we should keep getting ideas out there. Otherwise devs would be clueless except it would be our fault for being quiet. It's on them now. Good idea. I'd like to suggest emailing devs to ask them to take a look at the thread
Its not that simple. Some people are very good at hiding who they are for long periods of time before turning around and backstabbing you.
You know I had an idea too. Gold generating buildings. They give no stats, but can be upgraded to give more gold every x hours. Maybe every 24 hours or something. But doesn't give much? I don't know. The way Smash has it.
That idea is stupid. It's not a good counter argument for saying that admins should get an update when people change CA. Every clan member used to get an alert when someone joined the epic battle so I imagine it would be simple to change the code so admins get an alert when someone changes ca or clan info. Also you could just say you don't support instead of being a sarcastic jerk
What are you going on about? This is a completely different idea. It probably needed it's own thread. But he wasn't being sarcastic. Did you even read his comment? He's presenting an idea...