Idesa for season 6 1 Can u make it only indi wars cause not everyone can do a clan war.However, indi war guarantees all a match up. 2 Can u add a indi war logs so ppl can look and review the war. 3 Can u add a indi lowland war so that ppl can do a ll war without having to go to a clan to war or casting mith. 4 Also Can u pls bring back a old feature the 75% pve crux from war but make it a 25% drop chance and only if u win the war. This would help motivate ppl who believe war is not worth it because u have to bank gold, buy pots, and usually lose your end plunder bonus on your current eb. These are just a few suggestions/ideas Sorry no art work or very colorful was mainly just to post a few ideas and hear what everyone thought.
It would be kinda cool if you had everyone who wanted in register and then u got randomly placed on a team of people. Lots of flaws to that tho
Yea only indi coz, ppl nowadays just rec tanks and hybs, have pity on the highpkundering ps1's....,,ps? Meh ps just leak
Full normal ll for S6. NO BFA NO BFE. Im tired of one sided matches in indi with my build . Ll is working perfectly for me
I like all of bears ideas. Here are a couple of general ideas. can we add a troops/spies % left-graphic to the the phone apps. can we add more war stats to WR page...ako, sko, fail data, cr vs. WR....or add a "view your war stats" button
Season 5 all indi-wars were very fun and interesting. It had it's ups and downs, inactives, not trackers, thrown together WC. It kept it interesting in my opinion and I would not mind it at all if we went back to that same set.
It would be good to have either: A) 4 wars a day at 6 hr intervals, or B) 6 wars a day at 4 hr intervals At least all time zones have a fair chance to compete for top prizes then
Good idea tommy as of now ppl that live on the west cost usa have a adv over the rest cause we can do everywar with our time zone but thats unfair to ppl in austria/uk/canada/ext
A lot of places outside of US timezones got screwed over which sucks for a lot of people. A large proportion of kaw players are outside of the US and I agree it's not fair for them. It's not like the devs track the wars manually themselves so why only do it in hours convenient for them? Funny thing is that the more competitive a season is the more enjoyable it is and if you only cater to a small proportion of the players you hurt the competition.
I was happy . But seriously more info on WR page would be outstanding I brought this topic up in cc or WC the other day. I would also like to have a part on my profile that tells me my KO/SKO/WIN/LOSS ratio for war. Would also be good if there was another section for just trackers/WC's to sign up so everyone can have a leader. (Not really my problem because I can do both but I'm here for the guy who cant).
You may want to work on grammar if you want ideas as big as this to be considered on a serious level.
Hopefully ATA are thinking that Season 6 will be the ideal opportunity to expand the war system player base to resolve the chicken-vs-egg conundurum preventing radical changes. There are already massive incentives to war during the events, and yet there are only 1000-something accounts actually taking advantage of them to increase their event-rewards. It seems that people need even more incentives to tempt them away from ebs. With Season 6 rewards stacking on top of event rewards I'm interested in seeing the outcome. Whether ATA are actually developing new war systems, new war tools (automatic tracking?), non-mith rewards (or better mith eq), or a radical approach, or whether Season 6 will just be a cheap carrot. Personally I'd like to see an increased number of war slots, 8 war times evenly spaced per diem is do-able. ATA can cap the number of times WOC can be casted in a 24-hr period to balance. EE doesn't actually increase plunder or drops and is purely for vanity. So what about a stacking rampart raider reward for each Season 6 war win? That could tempt people away from pve back towards pvp. Or would be a nice enabler for OSW'ers feeling neglected.
I would like to see a 24hr LL war with No BFA/BFE/ALLY HIRE (nobody able to complain about timezone too!) where participants are brought to a clan and fight among one and another in the clan. GLADIATOR WAR Rewards to be given to: The top 5 plunders The top 5 KOs The top 5 highest successful actions If it is All-Stars war, bottom 10 to be eliminated and another 24hrs war round with eliminations. Repeat the cycle until we have the survivors aka winners for each category. Ps: You can collaborate or strike alliance with other participating players in the clan to eliminate others.