Clan champions. reuse of the prestige leaderboard.

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by C0ML3Y, May 31, 2016.

  1. The prestige leaderboard

    It hasn't been used in so long. It's empty and it means nothing.

    So I like to suggest a few ideals to maybe reuse what's not used anymore.

    Clan champions- The ideal of having small group of clan members warring or doing well in certain events. Such as pvp.

    Which would build up points for their clans which may unlock things.

    A free Xtal for top 10 members or clan champions

    A clan plunder Bonus. Start off low like. 1% then up to 10%. Would help smaller players grow and bigger players to contribute to helping people grow.

    Badges- because who doesn't like proof of achievement. But maybe link them to naming the clan champions names.

    The ability to add clan member slots. Maybe increase it to 150 members.

    Quicker Eb count down. Instead of 15 mins wait. Wouldn't you like 5mins?

    Top reward- a special set of equipment for clan champs.

    With everything that you unlock. Your points will be used up.

    The thing is though. The hours when the clan champions are battling. No ebs will be able to start. This would make people unable to grow or gain gold while others help them to get better rewards.

    Yes! This might introduce mercs fighting for clans but this would mean people's plunder will be effected for a short period of time.

    It will be - clan based.
    -Loyalty of being in the clan for say a week or a month (Could link it to eb times of successful ebs)
    - a good amount of players. 20 for each clan
    - a war which lasts for about 4 hours. Because if you want the rewards. The whole clan must be willing to lose some time.

    The points awarded will be based upon who you win against. Someone stronger or someone with more points than the clan that you're in. You'd get more points.

    the clan that loses will be deducted points in the same way.

    So yes. Leaderboard players will get more points taken if they lose. But they will be harder to win against.

    I would like to hear people's opinions on this and thoughts about it. Please be constructive. So we can actually provide the devs with useful info
  2. Top clans would just get stronger
  3. All accounts are getting stronger constantly. Not many stays loyal to one clan though. Especially top leaderboard clans. They just chase the quickest ebs. Not many leaderboard players war even. They just hit ebs.

    So this will only work if people stay loyal to clans and actually have 20 members plus to fight for them.

    For example. Make one of the targets 5000 and on average players would gain 30 each war. That means 167 wars they'll have to win. Without loses. That means. 4 wars a day. At 4 hours a go. (Which I doubt any clan would do all 4) it would take them 42 days. Of no ebs.
  4. That's actually a helpful idea it would help bring back some clan loyalty
  5. It's a good idea.. As long as PvP was included aswell as wars. I suppose it would have to be blitz results based for that.

  6. Blitz?

    How about the chosen champions are pitted against each other. One day a week. The champions are only shown other champions. And then rewarded points pre action or the amount of times they pin another champion.
  7. Any sort of bonus/incentive that includes clan members pvp success, eb hits(obviously a lot less bonus per individual eb hits than individual pvp hits) and clan loyalty is worth exploring.
    It's a great idea that pvp players and eb fairies(I'm one) share a common goal to work towards in a loyalty rewarded structure.
    I remember the good old days when I had to ask permission to leave the first clan I was in. Clan loyalty was something that made this game appealing to me to begin with and I feel the new player experience is missing out with the lack of it in the later days of kaw.
    Nice thread op

  8. That's a good idea again, but less likely as it would be harder for them to code
  9. Rio

    They could just make one of them colour spells that is not used very often anymore.

    Then give it the same proprieties as the pvp opt in spell.

    Then put a limit to how many people can cast it pre clan.

    This would introduce communication between the clan. So this will also make others aware of what's going on.

    If they make it a large amount of players (around 40) it'll also bring about alliances and make alliances help each other for everyone's gain.
  10. I like the idea of boosting clam loyalty. I hope the devs consider this or something like it.

  11. Unfortunately, they have made me so cynical through disappointment that I believe they won't do this as there is no direct profit to them.

    If it doesn't come with a price tag, it's either an event or your imagination.
  12. Yeah, Rio. I wouldn't hold my breath, either. But it's sometimes fun to think of new ways to do stuff or improve the game.
  13. Anything to promote clan loyalty. Support!
    Keep bumping until devs at least give a reason not to implement it. I think that some players might spend more money for the sake of their clan if their individual needs are met (war, pvp blitz) so the non-profitable argument isn't an absolute excuse.
  14. Thank you all for your support and ideals.

    I hope we can draw more attention to this and maybe hear opinions of some more.
  15. Support,sounds like it could help strengthen clan loyalties..How you been Coml3y
  16. Thanks volac. I've been well. It's nice to see other names that I remember on here.

    Yes, I hope to find a way to bound clans and families together in a closer way.

    Especially as since I've been back I felt this app being more a social thing. I feel many others feel the same. But they still hold heart to their clans or searching for a clan who's got a lively cc and that they're not just another account. This will give them the ability to help others or others help them to be part of something.

    Like imagine. Clans running htes in honour of their champions.

    It also will stop the feeling of people feeling so small because they'll be a unit.
  17. If the champs are battling once a week then there really is no point of just making new equipment... Maybe do an alternative like silver bars, xstals, nobs, or seals. Maybe even a color spell with *insert player name*
  18. Well, the equipment could be at the end of a tournament style thing.

    Where you build up your points and the top 3 get a piece of equipment.

    So it'll give people an ideal who to target to get the most points