Improving Early Player Progression

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Chaos, Apr 14, 2016.

  1. Yo,

    Every new expansion to kingdoms at war comes with many exciting and new changes. In one hand, the aspect of combat continues to rise to new thresholds of intensity, as accounts continue to grow to heights never before seen. However, among these changes are issues that are brought forth concerning the retention of players. By providing players with new high level content, with a whopping price tag of around 500T, there are some players who feel the ascent is too much of a toll and impossible to reach. As someone who was one of the first to build complete, I've seen many discouraged by this new content. The aim for this thread is towards aiding and buffing those players caught between early to mid game, in order to improve their experience.

    Many of you continue to support this game, and for that you have my up-most gratitude. So what are these issues many of you may ask? For starters, with every new expansion, there has always been one of three things previous developer teams have done to make the trek easier.

    1. Previous Tier Price Cut.
    2. Early/Mid-tier Epic Battles will see increased payouts of up to 50%
    3. New User Start Package

    Also, there are other concepts that would improve the early to mid game experience which have been noted by other players during this time. This varies from outdated concepts such as 1 million gold per hire, which are antiquated parameters intended for tier 1. To other proposals such as better premium content to purchase.

    My advise to the current kaw developer team, focus on what makes this game fun and worth playing, not on what makes it appealing from an aesthetic point of view only. If you try and do just that, you might lose your users, since their attention spans are short, so it's important to emphasize what makes your game fun and balanced, do it as fast as possible.


    Update 4/18/2016

    Adding some feedback from experienced former moderators I had the pleasure of working with in the past. Hope Grant and the team consider taking their feedback into account as well, regarding this topic of improving the early player experience. Thanks.

  2. Support. For people who don't pay to win its impossible to bc in a half reasonable time.
  3. The game has become rather stagnant... As a new player starting out, it's terrible... We need to pay someone to come up with an actual tutorial, weather it comes from the community or the apes... There needs to be more emphasis made on the importance of communication in game.. Starting out is a lonely quiet place, and I'm not surprised we can't keep new players anymore.. Starting out seeing this leaderboard, seeing all the banners and whatnot begging you to make purchases, who wants to be welcomed into that? It's super tacky and party the reason no one sticks around..

    We're going to lose this game if something doesn't change..
  4. Support ofc would be abused by vets making new accounts and such but would be nice to start increasing the playerbase again
  5. Agreed 100% Prime, it's a long slow road for the early player. They need more of a buff, events are not enough. This is a difficult long process, since this official image, the trek has gotten tougher, especially at the early stages.

  6. I left the game for a few years, 2 to be exact, and messed up my build before leaving so I would not come back. I guess it did not work.Nevertheless, in my attempt of reaching not-too-bad stats, I struggle finding a clan that would accept me with this stats.

    For instance, many EBs that were popular in the past that a 2m pure spy could perfectly hit such as FoD, (place the name of any other EB name that was popular 2 years ago), etc, are no longer "good enough" for a clan to run them.

    Rather than helping new players grow, new releases are focused on mid-stats and GIGANTIC players. It would be nice to get to those levels easier and enjoy KaW as it is, with a family clan, farming here and there, meeting cool people, etc.

    This things are not that much of an option to new players, unless they put money on the app. It is not a good idea personally because of the current exchange rate, which is a joke in my country.
  7. Just a personal note, being a pure spy, you end up losing a great amount of possible gold made without a troop building to use on eb. This is because you aren't making Ally bonus gold from your troops as a pure spy.

    A Pure spy build is only really good for pvp and ee, not so much for making gold on ebs.

    My advice would be to put up one balanced troop building in your lowlands and continue as a ps1 until you need to be a ps, where you can then drop the troop building.
  8. I mean 90% of new accounts are alts so why male it easier to grow god farms?
  9. I know, but apparently that is how I left my build before leaving xD so, I prefer to work a part on what I have now and little by little change it
  10. Honestly who knows so many active community members someone may be putting something together which would be nice to see :)
  11. I just want to bring to everyone's attention that the devs adjusted the atk building stats within the day the thread was created.

    If this does not get a response soon, don't expect much.
  12. I keep seeing people say the game has gone stagnant but it has been alive and thriving for sometime. could they draw in more players? sure. but this game needs kaw 2.0 not expansions. the code has been written and it is heavily entrenched without much change possible. however would you want to risk your cash cow for a hope everyone will pick up on the next one?
  13. Why would the majority of new players want to stay in a game when one of the first pop ups they see is asking them for 99$ (the x5 one) ?

    Seriously? I wouldn't, I would have closed and deleted straight away.

    KAW needs advertising.. But not until the start of the gaming experience is improved. The tutorial is terrible, it doesn't explain anything in any real relevance, it then leaves you pretty much in the dark without having a clue what your doing. Players ridicule new people, some players even enjoy hitting new players (congrats guys? You cost KAW new players, well done.)

    Also, there is precious few GOOD starter clans to teach new players.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, there needs to be an 'official' player ran starter clans, With a spell and a colour for the admins of it, similar to VK / mods. Give that clan a permanent plunder bonus, or create a new eb purely for that clan, a training eb or something I don't know.
  14. I started this account yesterday and have already reached stats that took me nearly a year to get when I first started playing years ago. I have no doubt that within 6 months I will have this account to a size where I can enjoy all aspects of the game.

    I only know this because I understsnd KaW and have played it forever. This is advantage 1.

    However most all of you are mistaken. Growth means little in terms of retaining new players, especially in kaw.

    Which brings us to advanatge 2, i already know people in kaw. Thats why people play and thats why they stay.

    Those who have played long enough can recall a kaw pre-eb. When belonging to a clan was a matter of pride and clan loyaliy was put above all.

    Ebs killed that with the never ending rush to get the next new shining thing.

    And while pwars were viewed as bad, they allowed a clan to stay together. Regardless of stats. Ebs changed that. Which is why today we have a kaw where vet players have forgotten that it is up to the community to bring up new players and make them feel part of something.
  15. Agreed, Prime and Rio. I think a new tutorial is the point to start.

    I have to disagree, Captain. I was around in pwar era and I was around when ebs were introduced. Ebs did not ruin clan loyalty. Ebs were simply a modern version of a pwar. There was a lot more clan interaction. There was a lot more planning together to unlock the next eb, to get stronger and to work together. There was a lot more involvement. When you had a clan target, a majority of the players got involved. HTE is what changed clan loyalty because it promoted personal growth rather than growth as a clan. Events followed and clans get left in the dust (so to speak) because there is little in KaW today that promotes working together as a clan. Most of the players I've met who started playing KaW after HTE, have little sense of loyalty. They're only interested in being in your clan as long as you're offering the best offer. Working and growing together has gone out the window while every one chases ASoF and LOTL. The longer standing players of KaW have more sense of loyalty because they were around before HTE. They were part of building clans up as a whole. But those are just my observations.

    Anyway, sorta back on topic :lol: The tutorial doesn't even begin to reflect half the content in KaW. I wouldn't like to be slapped in the face with a price tag the moment I opened an app. I wouldn't mind seeing it after I've got a handle on a game, but not right at the beginning. Going on from your point Rio, someone raised the idea once of being automatically put into a clan. It could be a sort of dev run clan where there's an eb on all the time. They could be in there for a week maybe, learning the ropes.
  16. Im not sure why you disagree with me then go on to basically say what i said.

    Ebs effectively killed clan loyality. In fact, i wrote a very post when they came out on how it would lead to the kaw we now have and low and behold it has come to past.

    The key to success for this game, since the start of it has been the social aspect of its community. That was only made stronger when clans were added to the game. Now people had a place to come together and learn from each other as well has just hang out. Then they added war system which furthered clan unity.

    But then came ebs, with their drops and stat requirements to play them. Thats when clans lost their sense of loyality. Which is what lead to the super alliance driven kaw we have today.

    These are facts of the kaw timeline. Not much to really disagree with.
  17. I really agree with most of what is stated in this thread. The new players really needs to be taken more care of and feel more welcomed to the game.
  18. There is lots of talk about improving the tutorial, but if that gives you all you need to know would we not see an even greater decrease in clan loyalty?

    This game was recommended to by a friend and my first clan had a rogue admin that kicked everyone,the second was b2b tfo which was a nice gold. Then I went equipment hunting join here for nml and learnt all I needed in cc.

    The only addition to tutorial is probably is the explanation that this is a social chat game first. So find people who you enjoy chatting with.
  19. Recently, I had to close down the clan where I helped newbies grow.... I could not get any that stayed active past joining the game. I would go hire them as they joined, post their walls to offer them help and would get no response. Would check on them hours later or the next day to see if they continued to play, but no.... which made me wonder if they were joining for promotional offers from ATA's other games but I have no idea.

    I wasn't just hiring a couple of them.... one evening, I hired 14 of them, offering them help and not a single one of them stayed active past joining Kaw. lol... that could have been a stressful evening if they had all stayed... lol

    I helped a lot of people grow in that clan, so was a really tough decision to close it, but was a case of having to, it was not helping those that were still active in the clan. I love helping newbies grow, but to help them at my other clan is quite tough... although I can get them hitting Haunting by their 2nd eb if they follow my advice, I need them to get a good run on items off Haunting in their first eb so they can get their 1bil ally and upgrade their attack to being enough to hit Haunting with battle fury spell, and I will never ask other bigger players to sacrifice hitting items, even though they would, because they are trying to grow as well.

    I think the lower level eb's need a big overhaul and more of those eb's dropping equipment. The smalls do not have much choice. I have often said I don't know how small clans without big stats helping them get by, it must take them forever to get an ally for mp and so their growth would have to be very slow and most likely leads to those clans not surviving.

    This is one of the reasons I continue to open my alts for pvp, so those small players can get some worthwhile equipment from the main event. I also get asked why I don't grow Wenderful, well, there is your answer.... but I also have 2 smaller alts for the 100k cs and up players. I use these alts to help the newbies that come to me for help, so while I am helping them get some stats up, they still have something to hit or steal if they can't hit the eb.

    It may interest those of you who don't know, that a newbie only needs 4 x level 4 guilds (54k spy attack) to use their spies on Haunting/HTE, usually with bribery gem till they get some equipment to compensate and with 80K attack stats, they can hit it with battle fury from the Alchemist. I just tell them that as soon as they get 2 fails in a row, they stop hitting and let their soldiers regen. So, maybe those clans that aren't past the Haunting level can adjust their clan stat requirements and bring in some newbies to train.