Incorrect Stat Increase on Attack Buildings on New Lands

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Adonis-ICE_MaCHiNE, Apr 13, 2016.

  1. Dear Devs,
    Could you please look into what I believe is an error on your part. I know I know a very rare thing indeed...but I feel it is my KaWmunity duty to point it out and hope for a reply and or fix.

    The new attack building on the new lands has a smaller stat increase when upgrading the building from lvl 9 to 10 than when you upgrade it from lvl 8 to 9, even though that increase costs you 2t more???

    So the raw stat increase from 8 to 9 is 125,763,225 million and costs 5t, but the increase from 9 to 10 is 121,207,875 million and costs 7t.

    Please could you either explain this smaller increase or correct it please. I've been told that the spy building increase from lvl 9 to 10 is a small increase. So it would appear, again, spy buildings are gaining yet another advantage over other buildings. KaWmunity I'm happy to be corrected if this is not correct.

    And now over to ATA
  2. well said ownie!
  3. Interesting. The gap between a BC attack build and a BC spy might be partially explained by this.
  4. I would assume the slightly larger spy stats is to try to counter the ridiculous amount of sdt, or the way that sdt seems stronger than it should be.
  5. Hf lvl 1 was like double 2-3-4 stats ot something terrible like that
  6. most likely to compensate how spies have always been small in other tiers, now bcs of both types of builds are sikilar cs
  7. Lololol
  8. So we have a total of 13 possible ATA peeps who could respond to this post. For the avoidance of doubt they are, Big dog Community Grant, Artistic megalomaniacal Miles, and Control freak Bruce. They in turn have their lowly minions...initial newbies include Mark, Mario, Jodie and Clarke (seriously they sound like the cast of Glee). Only last week we got the new power 6, who clearly have been recruited from the American Gladiators show. Drake, Marceline, Mike, Garnet, Jordan and sweet sweet Ellie.

    With all these wonderful contacts I would at the very least expect a pithy comeback or witty remark but so far NADA, ZIP, NOTHING!!! Come on ATA let's hear ya

    I thank you in anticipation
  9. I'm just really glad
    I'll never have to worry about this issue
  10. Support, would be nice to hear from devs (familiar faces ) on this issue. Let's see what they come up with
  11. lol ?
  12. I get to worry about this in 8, maybe 10 years. :lol:

    (Do your jobs and answer the man)

    Hey boss! ...hope you're doing well 
  14. Bump.
    A reply plse guys. It's a legit question.
  15. Adonis can u please bump your thread where u were asking for spy builds on other tiers to be evened out I didn't see that thread...... .oh wait that's cause there isn't one......this will finally balance the unfair stat advantage attack builds have on spy builds and help us to combat the unfair imbalance sdt has against spy att
  16. Sorry Pars but I don't agree. Spy/hansel builds have had a plunder advantage since the beginning. Now they have a stat advantage too. They now need towers even less as opposed to any other build which now requires a silly amount of towers to even try to fend off BC spies or hansels. Not to mention the amount of plunder these other builds sacrifice in order to put those towers up. All I'm asking for is the last and most expensive UG on attack buildings to go up as every other level rather than go down. I'm not saying it has to go up by much but it still needs to go up. And if it doesn't than the cost of that final UG should reflect the lack of increase. Why pay 7t for a smaller UG than when you pay 5t that doesn't make any sense whatsoever in any industry.

    And don't get me started coz I haven't even touched on the fact that plunder actually goes down for attack or hybrids upon that final UG!!!
  17. Sorry about that, even us apes need sleep. Let me check with the team about this and get back to you.
  18. GRAAAAAAANT you God amongst men you . I knew you were the man. I told them all if anyone replies it's bound to be the cool one, the maestro...The Grant!!!
    Ok will wait to hear back. Thanks
  19. I have noticed this also, it sure did not seem right to me. That is why I preferred to upgrade all to level 9 and move on to the next for better value. Apart from the first two I did that made me realise of course