Changeable Clan Names.

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by IllIAnoIIIlnymllIlouslIIl, Dec 23, 2015.

  1. Idea: An option to change your Clan Name.

    Reasons: We've all, mostly all made a bad clan name and disbanded it and made a new clan due to the name being a bad name and not for you, I have myself. It would be good to see this being added, but not to change the name for free, to pay a little fee not like how much the clans cost maybe 1-5 billion to change your Clan Name, I, myself would love to see this being implemented to save me a lot of money.

    Thanks for reading this.
    - Brandan.
  2. Support, but I think nobs should also be a payment option.
  3. Nvm, I don't support this idea anymore. Good for new players but to most players 25b is nothing.
  4. I agree, but then again some people can't afford nobility points just to change a clan name.
  5. Some it isn't but what about the new players who want to try start there own clan? They aren't going to be able to afford 25b for a clan.
  6. New players wouldn't have 25b in the first place, also u is noob.
  7. New players also shouldnt be starting a clan.

    In fact, they should raise the cost again. Last time it went from 3B to 25. maybe a similar increase? Like 200B?
  8. Yus new players shouldn't be starting a clan. But 200b is a bit much, maybe 150 or 100?
  9. Who cares that I'm a noob? Also does it mean I'm a noob because this account is NEW?
  10. ^ I believe that's a newb (Correct me if I'm wrong) I called you a noob cuz u is noob, is simples.
  11. ... I was being generous. It's about as easy to make 500B as it used to be to get 3B. It's a major investment that shouldn't be made by just anyone. But that's just my opinion.
  12. Idk op, but That is the correct use of newb vs noob. Support.
  13. I know, but it's funny when noobs make clans. Cuz dey is all like in WC tryna recruit but failz
  14. I enrish gud 2
  15. Agreed.

    Also, changing a clan name works like changing your own name. Should cost 20 nobs - then people wouldn't change names every 5 mins.
  16. No. Get the name right. Don't make a name change necessary
  17. No support!

    Think twice before you decide your clan name!
  18. Support.
    Cost should be 125b
  19. Support cost should be 100 sods