Suggested Match Up System TEST PROGRAM

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by HTLFreak, Oct 6, 2015.

  1. Devs, if you actually read these forums here is a suggestion of a new match up system.

    (I even made and posted a test program/script at the bottom of the forum for this to see if people would find it to be a fair match up system)(for Windows OS only, sorry again)

    First, the plunder made per hit during wars needs to include BFA instead of just the CS so that a very high BFA player pays out the same as a high CS player with low BFA. Then can the match up system be changed to take the following steps when a clan signs up:
    1. Checks the total CS (including BFE and BFA) of the top 3 players then the next 3 then the next 3 until all players have been checked and added up in groups of 3.
    2. The system adds the total CS of the clan’s troop CS and Spy CS separately.
    3. The system then creates the first war with the first clan slotted in one of the 2 slots for the war.
    4. When the next clan signs up the system performs steps 1 and 2 then checks each group of 3 against each other clan's and if any of the groups are more than 20% smaller in size than the same group in the other clan or the total CS of troops or spies exceed a 40% difference (respectively) between the 2 clans then the system creates another war and places the second clan into one of the slots of the new war.
    5. Repeat the above steps as each clan signs up for war and when a clan signs up that is within the set percentages mentioned in step 4 of a clan already signed up then the clan is placed in the other/empty slot which should result in a good match up.
    6. Once the sign up time is pasted any clans that do not have a match will be retested against the other clans without a match to see if any 2 clans that had a match but the matching clan unsigned up leaving those clans still signed up without a match and could be a match for each other.

    Example math break down:

    (assume Clan 1 as the bigger clan for simplicity of this break down)

    If (Clan 1 group 1 minus Clan 2 group 1) > (biggest group 1 of the 2 clans times .2) then this is not a match.

    If (Clan 1 group 1 minus Clan 2 group 1) < (biggest group 1 of the 2 clans times .2) then this is a match and the system should check the next group and so on. This step prevents matching a stacked roster against an non-stacked roster

    If everything is good on all groups then the total CS of troops and total CS of spies are checked

    If (bigger total clan troops CS minus smaller total clan troops) > (bigger troops CS of the 2 clans times .4) then this is not a good match.
    If (bigger total clan spies CS minus smaller total clan spies) > (bigger spies CS of the 2 clans times .4) then this is not a good match.

    If (bigger total clan troops CS minus smaller total clan troops) < (bigger troops CS of the 2 clans times .4) then this is a good match.
    If (bigger total clan spies CS minus smaller total clan spies) < (bigger spies CS of the 2 clans times .4) then this is a good match.

    This step prevents the matching of a all spies roster with a all troops roster.

    After all criteria are met as good matches then the 2 clans should war.


    I DID IT!!! Here is a type of match up system as I promised. You can import rosters and it will match them up as you import them using the formulas I posted in this forum with the exception of the 40% troops to spies check. If people play around with this program and see that it needs to have that part in place I will add it. Please try to find a exploit a roster type that would always win, if you can then we know that the formula I proposed will not work. If you can find one please post it so I can try to figure out a way to not allow a dominate roster to unfairly match other rosters like what we currently have in Round and Primal wars. This program just simulates how rosters would be matched if the devs used my proposed system, it does not interact with KaW or anything. The program just simply allows you to take rosters and import them 1 at a time and goes through a match up process just as if people in clans with those rosters casted signed up for war. The program even allows you to simulate what would happen when people sign up and withdraw (use the remove roster function in the program to simulate a clan withdrawing) then more clans sign up. You have the option of adjusting the variables for the match ups to help find a good set of numbers that would work if the pre set numbers are too strict or not strict enough.

    I have modified the test program to account for BFE and BFA and you can specify a difference % for the BFE/BFA independent of the CS %. The formula used for the BFE/BFA is the bigger BFE/BFE cannot be more than a given % more than the smaller BFE/BFA as opposed to the CS is the smaller CS cannot be a given % smaller than the bigger clan. I did this because the bigger the BFE/BFA is for the bigger clan the bigger the difference can be between the 2 clans and it still be considered a fair match.

    It would be helpful if you share your rosters/SS with others so that everyone can have more rosters to test this program with. Remember, it goes purely by CS so having SSH in the roster will not be good unless you have the player's total CS including the BFA as part of the CS.

    Everyone needs to keep in mind that even if this system were to be put in place it would likely result in a lot of no matches. The only other way to get fair matches is to implement a system like the one I proposed and for everyone to start using only a certain set of rosters with a set range of CS for each roster type. As I have stated in another thread, the match up system has become a bigger and bigger problem because of the additional lands and levels which have allowed there to be massive gaps between builds that did not exist at the time the match up system was made. This is also likely the reason the devs have dome little more to fix the match up system as it is nearly impossible with all of the current variables. With BFA being unlimited combined with the massive gaps possible in rosters the match up systems will either give unfair matches or no matches unless the roster types and CS are established.

    Here are the links to the program (you only need one or the other, no need in downloading both unless you just want both)
    EXE file. ... sp=sharing

    AHK script file. (You will need the AutoHotKeys program to run this file) ... sp=sharing

    As usual, you always download anything from KaW forums at your own risk.
  2. Re: Suggested Match Up System with formulas

    I agree
  3. Re: Suggested Match Up System with formulas

    I do not agree, I agree with all except the troop to spy aspect. Most people cannot comment on this because they do not war enough to know up from down in primal. Either type of build has its advantages and can win. That's on the users not the pay or mechanics. Now I will have my usual trolls come and beg to differ, but I am willing to prove this. I will use an all tank roster against anyone willing to use an all Hansel roster against me. Let me know.
  4. Re: Suggested Match Up System with formulas

    Sorry that I forgot to mention that this is for Round wars as Primal wars were only created due to the stacking of rosters with SSH and LB Tanks. The idea is to allow ALL builds to war and avoid giving clans the ability to stack a roster to gain an unfair advantage due to the flawed match up system. I would love to see this system tried with or without the Troop to Spy aspect and if the rosters start getting stacked with PS or PS1 or Hansels then the devs could just add the aspect in, I think it would still be better than the current match up system with or without it.
  5. Re: Suggested Match Up System with formulas

    Wew, hard work
  6. Re: Suggested Match Up System with formulas

  7. Re: Suggested Match Up System with formulas

    I'm sure it will be all hybrid tank BC to hansels, that's not fair too
  8. Re: Suggested Match Up System with formulas

    I'll match whatever cs the opponent has, also doesn't have to be 15 Hansels just Hansel heavy.
  9. Re: Suggested Match Up System with formulas

    Honestly I don't see any other clans making these offers to help others feel they are getting a "fair" match.
  10. Re: Suggested Match Up System with formulas

    That makes sense
  11. Re: Suggested Match Up System with formulas

    Don't start me. Why do ppl need to 'feel' they are getting a fair match? Maybe, just maybe it should be fair? 
  12. Re: Suggested Match Up System with formulas

    This is a good start to a debate. Unfortunately we are without any educated knowledge of how the underlying systems work. Therefore we can't make any accurate suggestions to revise the system in a way that would actually make it better.
  13. Re: Suggested Match Up System with formulas

    Almost anything would be better then the recent matching system. However, it is hard to tell if changes have been made or not due to the fact that we as the leaders our taking initiative. Informing others of our size and trying to make sure there is another similar size opponent for each clan casting seems to help. When there is an odd clan out then it appears to effect our ability to aim for the clan we have agreed to face. Also with the small amount of clans participating, and low number of wars actually occurring it is hard to accurately judge. We are asking the developers to make changes, but I think we should be doing what we can to help that. In any case communication is key and need to improve on that. Devs tell us what we can do to help make these changes we are asking for happen sooner.
  14. Re: Suggested Match Up System with formulas

    Congrats, now make an actual formula that can be implemented into the game.
  15. Re: Pinme the Nooberella

  16. Re: Suggested Match Up System with formulas

    every system is based on pure Logic if you think on a logic way , its possible (is pure math And and knowledge of coding required)
  17. Re: Suggested Match Up System with formulas

    I would have to disagree, all we need to know about the current system is whether it works or not which we all know it does not. We can accurately make suggested match up systems/algorithms, we just cannot make modification suggestions of the existing system; this forum is suggesting a new system and not attempting to bother with the existing match up system.
  18. Re: Suggested Match Up System with formulas

    Give everyone the same build at match up fixes everything no mismatches at all more people doing clan wars and most of all it will come down to who has the best strategy and not who is the best exploiter.
  19. Re: Suggested Match Up System with formulas

    Not sure who you were talking to but you did make me think of making a sample match up system using the formula posted in this forum. I will make and post a match up system (will have to be limited to CS without BFE/BFA for obvious reasons) which you can import multiple rosters to see how it would match them up.
  20. Re: Suggested Match Up System with formulas

    Actually that's not true, logic alone is useless. If we are without any sort of basic information of how the system works then we cannot do any sort of logical analysis that is valid.

    Now we can of course, make assumptions about how the system works and try to logically work through it. However, as I said before, we don't know if our assumptions are valid. Therefor, anything we say about it would be completely irrelevant.