Hey guys, this is just an idea I had today. It's just a rough idea - I'm not going to provide too many details - just want to see your feedback or what you think should be added to it. Table of Contents: Basic Idea Signing Up Exploiters Winning Keeping things even Option 2 Suggestions from others Basic Idea The idea is for KAW to have a global war, or a "Great War" every month. It's a war in which you can make huge gains, or have huge losses. The idea is that there are two (or more - see option 2 for details) alliances that are basically in a massive slug-fest. It's a total war - strips, farming, coordinated attacks are allowed. Maybe even entire builds could slowly erode away as the war goes on - we can call that "War Fatigue" - if your build (allies included) drops by a certain amount or percentage, you are automatically dropped out of the war. The more you are attacked, the more fatigue you will experience. Once someone leaves the war or is dropped out, they aren't allowed back in. To prevent exploitation, the wars will not be determined by how much gold was earned (an OSF clan would be bad news for one of the alliances). But rather be determined mainly by how good the alliances in question have held up. Signing Up People sign up for the Great War by being part of a clan that is in the Great War during the first week of the Great War. They will have to put a "down payment" in for the war. This can be things such as pots, allies, your buildings, etc. This will contribute to the war loot that the winners can earn (war loot will be in gold mostly). If the person in the war drops out of the war or loses, they will lose that down payment on top of whatever other losses they had. Exploiters. Exploitation by a group of people in Great Wars will likely be difficult. It is a global war, after all. With hundreds or thousands of people, rigging the war could be difficult. If someone decided to put an OSF clan in the war, then the OSF's would just experience war fatigue and lose a considerable amount of their builds. There would be no real benefit to attacking the OSF's, because war loot won't be taken into account. Winning The idea behind winning a Great War is total capitulation of one of the alliances. The wars will start off slowly so that the alliances can organize themselves, but they will get increasingly and exponentially more devastating the later that the war goes on. For example, if war fatigue on day 1 from an attack was 1 damage, then that same attack on day 30 would do 30(or more) damage. The winners will get the war loot at the end, made up mainly of the down payments, but they will also get lots of pots, have their war fatigue reversed, and get godly equipment. Keeping things even You might think that if people wanted to win the war, they'd just join the side with more people. That's correct. That's why there needs to be a balancing measure for the wars. Either a higher opt-in cost in a way similar to race-horse odds gambling (you get less money for betting on good odds, more money for betting on poor odds), or something that prevents a clan from joining the stronger alliance. Option 2 This is another idea i've had. A three-way or more-way war. The idea behind this would be that there are the standard global alliances, BUT more alliances can be made if a large clan family wishes to join. The rewards here would be higher obviously, but the odds of winning would be smaller. This would be a good way to expand upon OSW's - two warring clans could sign up for the Great War and beating the snot out of each other. Suggestions from others
How about a HUGE War of attrition? Say 10 KO n ur done like toast. Outta commission on the sidelines.
I could see LB n Bigs being targeted to get outta the way n many other tactics deployed. A sleep on ur feet war so to speak. Discourages turtling n encourages activity. 1 xtal allowed per hour. Start @10pm PST n lasts 48hrs. Allows Aussie/Asia a leg up for a change.
My idea is more like both clans go at it until each and every member of 1 alliance has left or has been eliminated
Bump for that other guy And that idea is good also Nighthawk. Maybe just 10 KO's before you're kicked out of war.
I like the 10 ko. (Not sko) idea As for joining, how about players cast in as a Number (1 to 12) and then the Great Kaw computer organizes the 12 groups into 4 balanced, color factions and that sets the stage for a three round tourney of world wars where you can war WITH your clanmates (your clan would all join number 7)
Wah wah... Trying to steal n adjust my idea.. Gudgud .kipidap, dongibab.I don't support this, cus we need to opt in before war. So lame , the great war should be an event . I think my idea better . only the punishment a bit harsh.
Ops idea has potential but LL War beta test looks to be the devs choice of action. As for Yama's idea it has no potential.
I'd say EE was pretty successful. My first few EE wars were amazing. There were many clans whose sole purpose was EE wars.
Aren't EE Wars system based, I mean run/supported by the devs with in-game incentives? I'm talking wars that a kaw player is organising. For example: Suit Wars (Organiser forgotten) Country/Continent Wars (Xtreme then Jester) [devs supported] BUT STILL TANKED T_T Color Wars (Organiser forgotten) Fruit Wars (I think this was also one lol) Number Wars There's more but I forgot. What happened to all of these? They tanked.
I can understand. But I don't see the context as to why you are talking about player-organized war. What I'm referring to in this thread is a dev-created war system, whereby you have some longer, more drawn out wars where there's a little more on the line.