A powerful King stepped forward upon the stage on his 50th year of ruling the kingdoms that were once torn apart by war. He spoke clearly to the crowd below reciting the story of how he came to power conquering all 4 kingdoms bringing them together as one whole. "Without the riches of my supporters I would never have been able to mass such a force together to end the bloodshed" "Without the working classes, the farmers and hunters how would I have been able to feed my forces to keep them going when the odds were against us" "Without the knights who gave their lives fighting for the cause how would I have ended the bloodshed once and for all" "Today we celebrate 50 years of my rule and 50 years of peace. We shall never forget those who lost their lives fighting and supporting my cause. Today we are hosting a tournament in their honor" Path of the Nobleman As you complete Premium Epic Battles (HTE + ROTWB) from now until the end of the event on "DATE" at 12PM PDT you'll earn Coin Purses which determine your rewards at the end of the event. Path of the Hunter As you complete Epic Battles (excluding HTE and ROTWB) from now until the end of the event on "DATE" at 12PM PDT you'll earn Leather Strips, Wild Mushrooms, Flint Shards, and Dried Fruit. When you collect all four of these items they'll form Survival Packs which determine your rewards at the end of the event. Path of the Knight To Opt-In to the event, players will need to cast the War Horn spell at the Alchemist. Warning: Opting-in lasts for the ENTIRE DURATION of the event and there will be no way to opt-out after doing so. Opted in players will: Have their name colored orange to indicate their participation Have a spell indicating their participation on their profile Have their Battle List updated to show only players who have opted-in Sigil Fragments and War Sigils Once opted-in, players will earn Sigil Fragments by attacking or stealing other opted-in players. These items are both generated AND ARE STOLEN. The number generated depends on the players size. The number stolen depends on the amount of Sigil Fragments they currently have. The higher the number they have the more you'll steal. Once a player collects 500 Sigil Fragments they'll automatically turn into a War Sigil which cannot be stolen. A War Sigil will count as 500 Sigil fragments however the War Sigils will never be lost so the more War Sigils you have the more Sigil Fragments you will lose upon being attacked or stolen from. Under the exact same attacking conditions and builds a player with no War Sigils and 400 Sigil fragments will lose less Sigil fragment than a player with 3 War Sigils and 100 Sigil fragments. NOTE: You can never steal more Sigil Fragments off someone than they have on them. The War Sigils only count as 500 Sigil fragments in order to count the value of the player being attacked. These do not count as actual Sigil fragments and therefore cannot be stolen. These War Sigils are what will determine your rewards from the PvP Blitz Weekend events. Knight's Blade When you hit another opted-in player there's a chance that the Knight's Blade spell is activated. This spell lasts for 24 hours, and has the following properties: Provides you with more plunder when attacking or stealing from opted-in players Allows you to obtain more Sigil Fragments when attacking or stealing from opted-in players Provides you with a chance of creating Mithril out of thin air when attacking or stealing from opted-in players Will be visible on your profile as an active spell CAN BE STOLEN when you are attacked or stolen from by opted-in players. If stolen you will lose the spell, and the attacking player will receive it. Duration is not reset when stolen but continues to count down from where it was for the previous owner. Note: You cannot steal another player's Knight's Blade spell when you have an active Knight's Blade spell yourself. Book of Prayers The Book of Prayers may be purchased in the Marketplace for 59 Nobility Points and casts the Prayer of Hope spell on ALL of your current clan members. If you already have Prayer of Hope active you will not be able to purchase it until the current spell expires. This spell lasts for 1 hour and has the following properties: Provides you with more plunder when attacking or stealing from opted-in players (This is able to stack with the Knight's Blade spell) Allows you to earn more Sigil Fragments when attacking or stealing from opted-in players (This is able to stack with the Knight's Blade spell) Prevents other players from being able to steal your Knight's Blade spell while Prayer of Hope is active Will be visible on your profile as an active spell
Guys this is an example of what a future event should look like with a style that caters to all play types however it is by no means perfect I believe it is a far better layout than what is currently in place as it allows all players to have their play style incorporated and hopefully the pvp style I set up would prevent OSF and OAF farming due to the way stealing of pvp items now works in my set up.
Nice thread have it so people can't earn their items from EB's on the weekends but can still do EB's. PvP only weekend if you wanna earn items.
Straight away people haven't read the thread. The whole point is it follows the same format as previous events but incorporates a lot of ideas the community wanted to see. There are 3 sections to the event, HTE + ROTWB, Non Premium EBs and PvP. The PvP side is tailored so that OSF and OAF farming is now nerfed a lot in the later stages of the event due to the way stealing of event items works.
Looks like the patron saint of war event so same crap different day and if you work hard hitting non hte you will do well in any event anyway so that path isn't needed.
Hahahahahaha grizzy makes me laugh. Clearly he doesn't get that HTE ruined events completely and the top 10 and top 100 rewards are purely for HTE. At least this way HTE players can take part in the events on the same grounds as everyone else more or less and still get the better gold that HTE provides. Support
If the idea is that tops lb rewards have similar stats or gifts independient of the path that you choose then is a good idea...because its not the same to collect 5000 items doing only hte-rotwb than collect 5000 items divided in 4 parts or hitting players to get 5000 items.then if for hte for example top 100 is at 35k mark,for collecting items is in 6,5k and for pvp is in 1k,or other type of balance,would be fair for all... if independientment of the way that you choose you can get similar rewards to the other 2 ways,will have my full support
Support. I like how you say "screw all those people in HTE clans, don't let them interfere with the event." Except you said it in nicer terms :lol: Edit: PROBLEM!!! Would the rewards be different for both paths? Or would they be the same? I mean its nice and all that we screw them, but they or we can't necessarily have equip and SB (silver bars) that are 5x better then the other path
Nice to see that there are 2 different eb paths! One for HTE+Rotwb and another one for non-premium ebs! I wonder how good the rewards will be distributed though. Again, the b2b HTE can conquer most!
I am glad this received some positive comments it's just a shame more people didn't actually read the whole thread. It would make a huge change to these huge purely pay to win events without stopping those who want to do hte. The changes to pvp prevent you from purely farming one account too so prevents OAFs and OSFs in the later stages of the blitz.
I really like the idea if dividing the EB part into two; one for HTE+ROTWB and one for the other epic battles. Support!
I'm sorry but it's really just not a good business model for a serious Kaw spender to pay as much as they do for their event rewards then have someone who doesn't drop a dime get the same thing
You're thinking about it completely wrong. More paths means more leaderboards. More leaderboards means more people fighting for a top spot. That's more people willing to xtal in order to get there and more people fighting to not lose their spot.
Support well thought out multipath events seem like a good way for KaW to go as it has a large player base who like different types of play styles! (I did not see anything about EE warring, or did I just miss it? Would be pretty cool if there was an event based around EE too)