What's next KAW

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Radagast, Sep 22, 2015.

  1. [Oct 13 '16 UPDATE]

    I am bumping this since we are getting close to the end of the 10 part Falcon event series, and there is a 'what's next' forum thread eerily similar to this one I posted 13 months ago. Acording to [ATA]Gregory, they are looking for a discussion on how 'we can shape the future of KAW together'.

    Back in September 2015 KAW was in a similar place with the end of a major event series looming, and many wondered what the future held. This post attempted to capture the general sense at that time.

    Let's review what's happened since this original post (a reverse road map if you will).

    • Oct.'15, ZTA released. Money grab, now occurs frequently.

    • Nov.'15, Battle Cry released. Money grab, and wc has never been the same. Hats off to the devs on this one though, as this had to be the biggest money maker since HTE.

    • Dec.'15, Daily sales. Money grab, now you get a splash screen in your face every time you load up the game in the morning. My favorite is the wild-eyed hoarfrost dude since this is the same expression I think crystal junkies have in real life.

    • Jan.'16, New clan roles, resulting in overcomplicated titles and admin rights. Somewhat a gold sink, but hard for new clans and confusing for everyone else.

    • Jan.'16, "Free" nobility offers via partnerships with 3rd party advertising. Don't get me started.

    • Feb.'16, New forum formatting, resulting in 50 shades of gray sadness. Inferior to the former forum format which was easier to read and identify the posts you've read / commented on.

    • Apr.'16, Osman Rai released, bringing BC from 148T to 655T. This was expected but breathtaking.

    • Jun.'16, Lucky fortune boxes released. Still not sure what these are but my suspicion is an Illuminati surveillance scheme since it rewarded linking to and supporting KAW on social media. Still haven't heard of anyone actually getting one of these.

    • Jun.'16, Season 6 wars. Most considered a failure since only LL format and the high tiers needed for rewards. Only about 100 players achieve top 85 medallions level.

    • Jul.'16, Devs try to change plunder payout / clan rankings based on the # of Abyss lands built on. Changes quickly reversed after minor forum riot which included old worthless equip being thrown at monkeys.

    • Aug.'16, GOTH released. FINALLY - A MUCH NEEDED BOOST OF HIGHER NORMAL PLUNDER AND TRUE NEW CONTENT. THANK YOU. (Can you tell which update I think was the best? :) ) For the record, it was 15 months between LOTL and GOTH being released. Hopefully this timing gap doesn't continue.

    • Aug.'16, ZOMA released. The jury is still out on this one. Free, but poor plunder for most and the trinket will likely be irrelevant by the time you get 1,000 horn fragments to buy one, let alone fully enchant it. Just wish the plunder was higher for this rare drop eb.

    • Sep.'16, Osman Rai buildings level 10 to 20 released. Unexpected and jaw dropping. Moves BC finish line from 655T to 3.3Q. Yes, that's Q as in Question why you are playing.

    So there you have it folks - brings us to today. Where do we go next? We all enjoy the game and our clannies, but again the sense is "now what?"

    In addition to the thoughts originally posted a year ago, here are some more potentially good ideas. (Besides the countless other suggestion threads over the years)

    • Be able to accept people into clan as guests.

    • Let people designate a home clan on their profile - would make it easier to know who considers themselves a perm, etc. Maybe Warlord / War Chiefs have to approve.

    • Activity tracker by clan - some listing of the # of hits over a week / month. Would promote competition within a clan and provide a target list for others.

    • People get automatically dropped from a clan if no activity in 90 days.

    • Mini global event limited to 5 clans joining together to fight a super hard monster.

    • PvP enhancements. The new buildings allow players to build forever. Drop event items from pvp actions - right now players have to hit ebs to attain top reward tiers. Increase pvp blitz rewards. Provide us with the ability to damage someone else's build on a temporary basis - bring the fear back - that's what we all felt when we first downloaded the game and got attacked by another noob.

    Enough of my ranting. I continue to hold onto hope that new content and mechanics will be released. Or maybe I'll just download a certain upcoming Polynesian themed village game in Q1 2017.

    My point of bumping / posting this is to demonstrate that we're essentially in the same place as a year ago devs. Waiting and hoping for you to unveil material game improvements and changes. You're the game developers after all.


    [ORIGINAL POST dated Sep. 22, 2015]

    The Farmer series is reaching an end, and through it KAW has provided anyone with half a pulse an entire set of equipment with decent stats, ranging from starter gear to better than ee war equip depending on your level of activity. Season 5 just happened, and considering the 9-mo gap between S4 and S5, one can conclude S6 won't be anytime soon.

    There is the giant green tree root '???' T11 eb which less than ten clans will be able to complete once released.

    The release of the T7 level 4-5, ahem sorry level 7-10 buildings, puts BC out another 68T (~1.2yrs), on top of whatever you still need to reach this point (last 10 lands cost 19T).

    Players can no longer reset, eliminating fresh starts, reset bombs and free new names.

    Total player strength is still build stats + BFE + BFA, with build stats and BFE comprising 99% of all stats. Why strip someone when you are only taking away maybe 2% of their power? (Not counting the top ally LB with their trillions of allies). MP gold is earned back within a couple days, and the earnings capacity remains the same.

    EE warring system remains broken due to stacked rosters, mismatches, etc. No-one uses the system wars anymore (half of KAW probably doesn't even know these exist).

    HTE lasts 15 mins. in large clans.

    So what comes next?

    Do we start another multi-stage event (the "Tractor" series) with slightly better equipment which immediately out dates the current equipment?

    Release more higher level ebs which require full clans of even stronger players to finish? Maybe they slowly drop another marginally better set of equipment? (Oh wait, this has already started with LOTL.)

    Introduce a slightly better paying and longer lasting pay-to-play eb for 79 nobs?

    What is the next game development that kicks off another growth curve for the game? Or do we just milk this cash cow straight to maturity / decline?

    What if?

    What if there were clan banks? (Mentioned before). Funds could be used to cast group clan spells instead of nobs, both during and outside of events. Clan banks could be used to pool strip funds, 'buy' allies from enemies equivalent to being dropped / owned by Nobody.

    What if there were clan loyalty bonuses? (Mentioned before). 1% plunder increase a week or something, capped at 5 or 10%? Players could cast to indi war from within their clan, be pulled out of their clan automatically instead of having to leave (not to lose loyalty bonuses).

    What if there was an activity tracker for a clan over a week / month? Right now you need to record a player's BWs on a certain date, then compare in the future to gauge activity levels. This is time consuming and frankly, work, which results in a bunch of semi active alts sitting in clans unloading a couple times a week. What if there was a clan specific # of actions and plunder leaderboards visible only to the clan which reset weekly? (Similar to top times clan LB)

    What if you could damage other people's builds? Just imagine the chaos. Every 100 successful hits = 1% erosion to building strength & plunder earning capacity, requiring my enemy to pay to 'repair' their kingdom. Limit to 50% of original strength, at which point the kingdom could be publicly labeled 'razed' and no additional hits allowed. All of the sudden I have a reason (the ability to inflict pain) to OSW again....

    What if there were expanded admin roles? (mentioned many times before). The ability to reflect clan alliances on clan page? The ability for owners and admins to send clan - wide pms?

    What if there was a prestige based clan vs. clan warring system where you could only war another clan once every [defined time period]? Winning side gets gold / mith / renew ee, providing an incentive to use system wars and enter into long (12/24/48/72 hr) wars instead of hitting ebs. This would prevent clans from repeatedly throwing wars with related clans. Quarterly tournaments? Nothing is more fun than warring with your friends, as S1 & S2 demonstrated.

    What are your best game changing improvement ideas?

    What is next for the game?

    Can we get an updated road map KAW?
  2. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    Nice post, admittedly from what I skim read, this is really good, and you have a point, there isn't much else to do...
  3. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    Rad for overlord of all KAW...message ends
  4. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    Whatever the next game ATA is making is the next kaw. It seems to have a similar theme so I'm assuming they're trying to replace kaw with it.
  5. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    Love the idea of building damage. Pvp is completely and utterly pointless now. You said mp can be earned back in a couple days. It's more like a couple hours if that. And that's only if someone is dumb enough to not have easily earned bronze bars stocked away to instantly be mp again.
  6. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    Good read :)
  7. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    Love the biggest part if this, supoort to your ideas. How about NPC allies, ones you could invest gold into for the stats you choose. (Still stripable) would lower the inflation of gold & allies.maybe a mith spell that increases the chance of success (50% max) for 6 mith & only lasted a couple hours. War xtals was another great suggestion. Take some if the pay to win out while encouraging wars. Tighter hit restrictions as well.
  8. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    How bout they release part 2 of the Lignua eb series.
  9. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    I concur, new road map for 2016 please.

    In the next year I predict new:
    -pay to play Ebs
    -new tiers for highlands
    -tons of new Eb hunts
    -HF T6 50% price cut
    -if we are lucky new clan updates

    Just my honest opinion, in no way is this to be taken literally. :lol:
  10. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    The start of this thread pretty much sums up how kaw is dead n devs arent doing anything lol. My guess is the new series. Another money hungry event series to take lb cash n watch reg players die

    Also lets say they do release a road map. The last one was a complete fail w most still not done. Why would we trust it
  11. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    Not looking forward to t6 cuts, knowing my luck I'll be screwed over yet again like I was on the last plunder returns
  12. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    The reason people are stripped is they lose a lot of money, not just stats
  13. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    The farmers second journey
  14. The BLACKSMITH Shoppe

    The Blacksmith Series

    Similar to Farmers Journey but..

    With the high level of failure enchanting EB equipment and EE equipment having its own "source" (mithril) for enchanting, KAW could introduce THE BLACKSMITH SHOP.

    Simple idea: A win win series for both ATA and players. Rotating series of EBs (like Farmers Journey) dropping Aqua for some EBs, Inferno for others, (new) Anvil and lastly (new) Steel.

    Once enough of each are earned, take them to THE BLACKSMITH to reFORGE (upgrade with no fail) EB equipment.

    Twist: At THE BLACKSMITH SHOP (like Mage) you can SELL old STEEL (old equipment) back to Smithee (at a reduced refund of course) to purchase NEW (better stat) EB equipment.

    ATA could see spikes again in Nob/Xtal purchases for EBs dropping more rare "steel" (HTE/ROTWB) and players could sell old unused equipment but have to play hard to gain the 4 drops of BLACKSMITH apocolypse.

    Aqua, Inferno, Anvil to work the harder to get Steel.

    A rough idea... talk it out.
  15. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    That's a good summation rad. Nicely done. I'd like to know what's next too.
  16. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    They won't give us a roadmap. They won't give us anything.
    Any time they give us something, a horde rises up to ***** about it.
  17. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    LOL... Well played sir. This is entirely possible. Perhaps the Farmer has hoes,  in different area codes, area codes  
  18. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    Self censor cass?
  19. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    SHHHHHH!!!! Don't give them ideas!
  20. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    The Farmer's Journey: Origins