Xtal tracker that tracks up to 24 Xtals with a 24 hour count down for each. It would let players plan and keep them from ending up xtal locked when they need them. The only issue I think would be where to put it, in the news tab perhaps? Somewhere that lets it show all the crystals in rows with seperate timers. The one with the shortest cooldown/lock time should beon top with the highest number infront so if you have used 24 xtals the first row could look like this: 24 - 01:37:56 the one under it 23 - 01:40:12 You would from the first row/line see how many xtals you could use (24-24=0) and how long it would be til you could use another one. If you wanted to see how long until you can max xtal an eb you just look at xtal nr 18.
I r8 8/8 m8. jk. good idea. would help many on cruxes, trains, and those people who just max xtal daily.
Well considering this is a 9+ game. I figure "most" everyone knows how to counts. So quit being lazy and just keep up with it yourself. That's part of the problem with kids these days. They want everything done for them.
I thought this would be about war xstals. Maybe something on the members page during war so we can see who xstalled. Then leave it up in history so we can start monitoring who the scabs are during war
I still wanna know who the scabs are. Mandatory or not. I can farm them if I want. It's a war game still.