Recently Iv emailed support on an idea for our beta systems. My idea was that maybe some of the younger people could participate in a trial or beta type thing that doesn't really count as beta because the Apple terms of service say you must be 18 . Just an idea not really complete just a thought. But it would be a neat thing for everyone. Like certain clans chosen for an eb trial so everyone no matter the age can be involved in trial beta ideas. Any ideas on this? If thoughts?
Honestly I agree at least 13+ should be involved in Beta. Obviously I am 18+ so I am not posting on my own behalf. We need the young views and adult views on the beta. This game is 9+, we can benefit from all age views. Especially ideas implemented in the game. What interests someone 40 can be extremely different views than those of a 15 year old.
I agree completely it's a great idea for a different view point. But the only issue is the iOS age limit that's what changes it. But maybe we could squeeze around that and do a "beta" thing but not beta you know?
But the only issue with that is that Kingdoms at War would become chaos again then we would be back at square one with mods.
See id be all aboard for that if only I was android XD But I think since one platform has it I think the other might as well.
Look, there could easily be an age cap at 18 plus only. And it would fix a lot of problems. But that will not stop the fact that people will lie, they've been doing it forever. And I admit to doing it before in the past to play games and stuff that I wasn't quite "old enough" for. But ultimately, thats on that person for lying.
See that's where I'm trying to go with this. Is to being more of a community thing instead of people choosing to lie about age. In this case they wouldn't have to worry about it
Seriously, you're not even contributing to this idea. Saying to get rid of the youth in this game isn't constructive criticism. Do you actually have a comment on whether or not players under 18 should be allowed to participate in betas? Or are you creating a completely different idea (that should be written under a new "update request thread") about disspitating anyone under 18. If its the second choice… why not make a thread with your ideas- pros and cons… about why that would benefit kaw.
Why would this be useful? I'm just curious because I see of how for newbies, but for already existing kaw players? Just to say, I'm over the 18+ threshold.