sean893 Presents Epic Battle: Trials Of Destiny (Part 2) Epic Battle: Trials Of Destiny (Part 2) This epic battle can only be initiated IF the first part of the Trials of Destiny. This part will be slightly harder than the first part. If the players in the All-Star Players 2015 clan fail to complete Part 1 of this epic battle, Part 2 will not be initiated and the All-Star Event ends there.
Phase ¼ First: Attack and Assassinate Green Ghouls to zero. (It Regenerates by 2% every 3 minutes) (Will attack or assassinate a clan member every 1 minute/every 10 hits taken) Second: Attack and Assassinate Little Hobbits to zero. (It Regenerates by 1% every 1 minutes) (Will attack a clan member every 5 seconds) Third: Attack and Assassinate Elven Archers. (It Regenerates by 1% every 4 minutes) (Will attack a clan member every 1 minute/every 25 hits taken) Fourth: Attack and Assassinate Waldhar The Knight to zero. Attacking with the item Summon Undead deals 5x DAMAGE. (See under Extra Information for more info about Waldhar) Fifth: Attack and Assassinate Enemy Base to 80%. Phase 1/4 Completion: Atomic Bombs have now spawned, aiming to instantly blow down your base. Attack and kill the bomb before it reaches your base!
Phase 2/4 First(Optional): Attack and Assassinate Atomic Bomb to zero. (See under Extra Information for more info about Atomic Bomb) Second: Attack and Assassinate Green Ghouls to zero. (It Regenerates by 2% every 3 minutes) (Will attack or assassinate a clan member every 1 minute/every 10 hits taken) Third: Attack and Assassinate Little Hobbits to zero. (It Regenerates by 1% every 1 minutes) (Will attack a clan member every 5 seconds) Fourth: Attack and Assassinate Elven Archers. (It Regenerates by 1% every 4 minutes) (Will attack a clan member every 1 minute/every 25 hits taken) Fifth: Attack and Assassinate Waldhar The Knight to zero. (See under Extra Information for more info about Waldhar) Attacking with the item Summon Undead deals 5x DAMAGE. Sixth: Use Item Mind Scream at Oakelis The Magician to zero. (See under Extra Information for more info about Oakelis) Seventh: Attack and Assassinate Enemy Base to 50%. Phase 2/4 Completion: An air strike has been called! Your forces will take deadly damage on the next 1 minute! WARNING: A mercenary group of Dragon Riders are carrying giant heavy rocks! As they let go it will become a rock shower, hitting ALL of your Active in Epic Battle Clan Members, losing their troops and spies down to 20%. If your member has below 20% troops or spies, the member will NOT receive the hit.
Phase ¾ First(Optional): Attack and Assassinate Atomic Bomb to zero. (See under Extra Information for more info about Atomic Bomb) Second: Attack and Assassinate Green Ghouls to zero. (It Regenerates by 2% every 3 minutes) (Will attack or assassinate a clan member every 1 minute/every 10 hits taken) Third: Attack and Assassinate Little Hobbits to zero. (It Regenerates by 1% every 1 minutes) (Will attack a clan member every 5 seconds) Fourth: Attack and Assassinate Elven Archers. (It Regenerates by 1% every 4 minutes) (Will attack a clan member every 1 minute/every 25 hits taken) Fifth: Attack and Assassinate Waldhar The Knight to zero. (See under Extra Information for more info about Waldhar) Attacking with the item Summon Undead deals 5x DAMAGE. Sixth: Use Item Mind Scream at Oakelis The Magician to zero. Seventh: Attack and Assassinate Enemy Base to 23%. Phase 3/4 Completion: Once again, the enemy base has called out for one last stand! The hero that you have fought previously has reappeared, another new Atomic Bomb has immediately spawned, all the side units and the other heroes are fully revived and a final air strike is called! Get ready to face the last phase and defeat the Enemy Base once and for all! Note: You will receive the same air-strike that has been called in completion of Phase 2. Like usual, ALL active in Epic Battle Members’s troops and spies will be immediately dropped down to 20% on hit at the next 1 minute after Phase 3 is completed.
Phase 4/4 First(Optional): Attack and Assassinate Atomic Bomb to zero. (See under Extra Information for more info about Atomic Bomb) Second: Attack and Assassinate Green Ghouls to zero. (It Regenerates by 2% every 3 minutes) (Will attack or assassinate a clan member every 1 minute/every 10 hits taken) Third: Attack and Assassinate Little Hobbits to zero. (It Regenerates by 1% every 1 minutes) (Will attack a clan member every 5 seconds) Fourth: Attack and Assassinate Elven Archers. (It Regenerates by 1% every 4 minutes) (Will attack a clan member every 1 minute/every 25 hits taken) Fifth(Optional): Attack and Assassinate Brandon The Elf to zero. (See under Extra Information for more info about Brandon) Sixth: Use Item Mind Scream at Oakelis The Magician to zero. Seventh: Attack and Assassinate Waldhar The Knight to zero. (See under Extra Information for more info about Waldhar) Attacking with the item Summon Undead deals 5x DAMAGE. Eighth: Attack and Assassinate Enemy Base to zero. Mission Completion: The enemy bases has fallen, the heroes and units fallen to their knees, and your forces are victorious once again. You have completed the final parts of the Trials. Now, you can happily bring back the good news to all your family members!
Extra Information Your Base’s Health is 200,000. The enemy Base’s Health is 500,000. The Time Limit of the Epic Battle is previously thought to be unlimited, but due to the reasons not to make the players stay too long away from their home clans, it has been set to 168 Hours. When Waldhar The Knight appears in battle, as long as he attacks your clan members you will be able to attack him as well. This goes the same for Brandon The Elf, exactly what it goes in the first part. However, the heroes can decide to put themselves in rest mode. This means that you will not be able to attack them and they will not be able to attack you as well. The Hero’s health will regenerate 1% per 3 minutes while on rest mode. The Atomic Bomb has NO DEFENSE at all. This means even starter players with the stat of 200/200/150/150 can attack the Atomic Bomb successfully of 5~50 DMG per attack and 9~35 DMG per assassinate. Damage inflicted to your Base When ALL of your Active Member’s Troops and Spies are below 20% (DTW), the enemies will then start attacking your Base. The damage is as follows: :arrow: Green Ghouls: 150~450 DMG per hit. :arrow: Elven Archers: 85~235 DMG per hit :arrow: Little Hobbits: 10~25 DMG per hit. :arrow: Waldhar The Knight: 500~855 DMG per hit (3,750 to 5,000 DMG using Sword Lunge) :arrow: Oakelis The Magician: 150~750 DMG per hit :arrow: Brandon The Elf: 235~600 DMG per hit (250~405 x 2 using Double Arrow Strike) :arrow: Atomic Bomb: INSTANT KILL on your Base and all your Troops and Spies! (If the countdown reaches 0)
About the Atomic Bomb The bomb is 70 times bigger in size than that of a human being. Each bomb has 3,000,000 HP respectively. It is carried with support from some armoured enemy soldiers, with the intent of bringing the bomb to your Base so it can blow up and instantly put you on defeat if reached. Up to 2 Atomic Bombs can be active in Phase 2 to 4, with the exception of Phase 4 being up to 3 Atomic Bombs in one occasion. You must bring down the Atomic Bomb’s HP to 0 before the timer beats you. When the Atomic Bomb’s HP reaches zero, it will explode and inflict damage on the following: :arrow: Instantly kills ALL Active Member’s Troops and Spies to 0% (members not active in EB will not be affected) :arrow: Instantly kills ALL Green Ghouls, Little Hobbits, and EVERYTHING else(except Enemy Base and your base) including the enemy Heroes, rendering all side bars Health to zero. About the Heroes What Waldhar can do: :arrow: Attack a random clan member every 1 minute/5 hits taken. Every 5th hit he takes, he will return attack to the last clan member attacking him. :arrow: Swipe Attack: Attacks 15 random clan members at one action (no fixed pattern), killing 2-6% of troops and 2-7% of spies depending on the clan member’s defense and spy defense strength. :arrow: Sword Lunge: Unleash a deadly attack against one clan member, killing 50% of their troops in one action. (no fixed pattern, but usually starts when his health reaches below 50%). Oakelis The Magician What spells Oakelis can cast: Note: Oakelis has no fixed pattern on casting spells, so that means she can cast any of these spells as many times as she likes, unlimited times. (WHILE ALIVE). If she dies while a spell is in effect, all the spells will automatically dispels itself. :arrow: Deadly Fire Ball Explosion- Instantly kills 25% of ALL member’s current # of soldiers. If your soldier’s percentage is 100%, you will immediately lose 25% on that one action. This attack will also give you a debuff effect- Burning: Makes your forces regenerate only 3-4% per 5 minutes instead of the normal regen, due to your armies taking unbearable heat. :arrow: Shield of Invulnerability- Renders one type of ally invulnerable to be hit for 20 minutes. If she casts that spell on Green Ghouls for example, then the Green Ghouls CANNOT be hit while the Green Ghouls can still give you incomings. :arrow: Heal- Recovers 1% of an ally’s health or hitpoints every 1 minute for 15 minutes. :arrow: Magic Carpenters- Casting this spell will summon the Magic Carpenters to repair the Enemy Base’s health, 1% every 5 minutes. This spell lasts for 1 hour. :arrow: Haste- Casting this spell on an ally will allow them to give your clan members incoming attacks at a faster rate. If she casts on the Elven Archers for example, the Elven Archers will attack you every 20 SECONDS instead of 1 minute, allowing them to give you 3 incoming hits instead of 1 for 60 seconds. This spell lasts for 30 minutes. :arrow: Negative Blessing- Decreases a clan member’s all troop and spy unit strength by 50%. (half the raw stats). This spell will last for 30 minutes. Brandon The Elf What Brandon can do: :arrow: Double Arrow Strike: Hits 2 random clan members in one action, killing 1-9% of their troops depending on the player’s defense strength. :arrow: Arrow Net: Hits a clan member killing 1-2% of their troops, and prevents the clan member from doing any actions for 20 minutes. :arrow: Arrow of Mystification: Hits a clan member killing 1-2% of their troops, and causes them to hit different targets instead of the target they want for 30 minutes, should they perform any further action. Victory Conditions: :arrow: If the Enemy’s Base Health reaches 0 :arrow: If the 168-hour time limit is up and Your Base’s Health is higher than the Enemy Base’s Health by Percentage. (e.g. Your Base Health 61%, Enemy Base Health 59%. Time limit is up, your clan wins the Epic Battle.) Failure Conditions: :arrow: When your Base’s Health reaches 0 :arrow: When an active Atomic Bomb’s countdown timer reaches 0 (finally reaching your base, in other words) :arrow: If the 168-hour time limit is up and the Enemy Base's Health is higher than your Base Health by Percentage.
Epic Battle Completion Rewards You will receive the following rewards EVEN if the epic battle ends up in defeat(except the additional bonus rewards): 1 Nobility Point EVERY 100 Actions 1 Health Crystal EVERY 1,000 Actions 1 Crux Chest Every 1,000 Actions 1 Golden Crux Chest Every 2,000 Actions 1 Horn Of Calydor by reaching 2,000 Actions 1 Seal of The Damned by reaching 3,000 Actions 1-25 Aqua 1-25 Inferno Achievement Level 2: Completed Trials Of Destiny(Part 2), awarding 2% bonus of ALL 4 types of stats to all Active in Epic Battle Members 1 to 75 of ANY of 4 (NOT ALL 4) PvE fragment drops to create items like (Tribute Jewels, Eternal Flames, Hunter Trophy, etc). 1 Steel of all 3 class types to enchant Attack avatar banner, and 1 cloth of ALL 3 fabrics to enchant the Spy Avatar Banner.
Additional Bonus Rewards if the Epic Battle is completed: Most Plunder Earned Ring of the Soldier’s Life Provides a permanent extra 1% troop regen per 5 minutes(Regen 9% troops instead of 8% when equipped Most Successful Actions Ring of the Spy’s Life Provides a permanent extra 1% spy regen per 5 minutes when equipped
Questions Asked Wait until the epic battle appears itself scheduled by the Developers, and then hope yourself to be selected by the majority of your home clan family using the voting system stated in Part 1 of Trials Of Destiny. Strategies suggested by Players to attack this Epic Battle:
Little Hobbits O.O ...... Like... In, The Hobbit and Lord of The Rings O.O ....................... Nevermind if you can't think of any other else...
Different enemies give different plunders, with Waldhar being the most and Little Hobbits being the least. The Little Hobbits would give plunder an approximate equivalent value to Tier 5 EB (Apheriun of Exile) Waldhar The Knight would give plunder beyond Haunting The Escape and the Wrath of the Sveruganti! There will be no enemies giving less plunder than Little Hobbits, or more plunder than hitting Waldhar The Knight!
How about use this EB type as a RARE Drop like SotD/Tusk. But this time it doesnt need to be pay to play or to be bought in the marketplace for real cash. To have access of the Trial's of destinity part, drops would be at HTE/new eb/part 1 of trials of destiny.
We are talking about profit here. If players are hunger for the part 2, they must find the key to open it. Let it be that way, being selected in each clan is a pain in the ass.
Its a profit for the devs, if you want to test a the new eb, run HTE(people will buy seals cuz its worth the drop you will expect) 99.99% it will drop to only 1 lucky person.