on inflation. long. skip to the second post.

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by wordwaster, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. okay. this a bit of the conversation that led up to what i am about to post. the full thing can be found here.

    skip to the second post for the meat of the thread. or have a read if you want to understand the logic behind it.

    okay. i'll try to tie this all together for you.

    the gap was only mentioned because so many people suggest adding new lands and buildings as a solution to the problem stated in the op; which is a result of the biggest spenders having trillions upon trillions in gold, without anything to spend it on besides allies.

    my reference to the "gap" isn't about the ability to catch up with redstar. the VAST difference between what the top spenders can make and the average player can has led to real imbalances in the game. NOT imbalance between the accounts of people that pay and people that don't (although that imbalance does exist). we are talking about imbalances that effect the actual game. (the absence of allies for new players to achieve max plunder)

    we are talking about making adjustments to the game to fix those imbalances created in a modern kaw. a kaw where it is possible to make a TRILLION gold in a single day. seriously. it is possible to make a TRILLION gold in a single day. with no more than $40 during certain events. when i started kaw, making 30bil in a day was a massive amount. that is some serious inflation. it is also a serious problem.

    adding new lands and buildings has simply made "build complete" into YEARS of grinding for those that don't pay to play. (remember how you just agreed that those players add their own value to the game) the fact that we have reached this point so soon after the the last round of lands/upgrades shows that this is not a sustainable solution. you can't just keep moving the "finish line" over and over again. it is already at the point where new players feel discouraged by the massive amount of clicking needed to finish a build. so you would just be replacing one problem with another; if you are thinking in terms of new players.

    there needs to be a new solution. we know the devs aren't going to end the "temporary" hte. we know they aren't going to stop the "plunder bonus" events.

    so we discuss it here on the forums.
  2. okay. i have brought this up before, and i have been thinking about it a bit more recently. i would like to point out that this is not really my idea. all i did was take a moment to think about the purchases that can be made with ingame gold on other games, and applied that thinking to kaw.

    i understand that a lot of people will consider these things to be "pointless" and that you would rather have the devs work on other aspects of the game, but i am becoming convinced this, or something like this, is needed to help solve the real problem of inflation brought on by the huge gold plunder events.

    it is important that the devs NOT sell these things for anything other than in game currency. it would defeat the point if they sold it for nobs or if they gave them away during events.

    profile customization

    custom colors or background designs for walls.

    simple backgrounds would be purchased for something like 10bil, while the "epic cool" backgrounds could sell for 100bil or more.

    custom avatars

    this one has the added bonus of giving a bit more personality to your kingdom, by giving it a visible leader. similar to the wall background design avatars would range in price; with "peasant" looking avatars being cheaper and "godly" looking avatars being super expensive.

    custom paint for eq

    same eq, custom paint. costs in game gold.

    custom castle. the castle is lame. offer some alternative design choices...for a hefty price.

    non combat buildings - not to be built on explored lands. maybe just have them located at specifc places around the edges of the map? new castle upgrades maybe?

    mith mine

    starts at a rate of 1mith per month, maybe 1billion to build. upgrades become gradually more expensive as the rate of production increases. 1trillion for 1mith daily?

    inferno furnace - similar to the mith mine. low production at first, with gradual (expensive) upgrades.

    bloodwood lumber mills - idk. bloodwood could have been a useful thing if the banners were more exciting. just throwing this into the list.

    list is obviously not comprehensive, i'm just trying to get the general concept out there.
  3. As a mid for season 4 my projected hfbc date was mid may without xtals and seals making roughly 40b per day. This was before all the promos. With the promos my hfbc date should be mid January. Your right lol 3 months could not do it.
  4. Your problem is that no one wars each other to take gold out of the system. Everyone thinks you need gold for upgrades. You play wrong. Then complain that it's the way it is. Then complain that everyone chooses to play their own way. It's players fault. Devs can't force you guys to not be pansies.

    Solution? Strip farm each other. That is the quickest way to balance things out. Players are just too scared to lose their investments, so they don't war. It causes an imbalance in the game. When 1% of a war game is warring, I feel it's deserved unbalance.

    Ps: strip farming is so much more fun than upgrading.
  5. So are you arguing against what word is proposing NAM..? Also, I can't strip you with those spy defense towers 

    *Also, I'd agree with spending gold for things with no actual stat value. Maybe up the price on the highest tiers a bit though.
  6. you have 15mil worth of spy defense towers. nearly build complete.

    so you not only used your gold for upgrades, you made a build that is nearly impossible to strip.

    do you not see the hypocrisy in what you are saying?

    regardless. i stated in the first post that this isn't about the free player or the moderate spenders. the problem is with the big spenders. 90% of kaw has no control over this. they can't compete with the them on any level. fighting them just isn't an option unless you become a big spender yourself.
  7. This. Since epic battles were introduced and pwars were eliminated it has become easier to "grow" by means of out-of-date currency. Conflicts had stopped and people became too scared to OSW/PvP since the logic behind it was it would hinder growth. The introduction of epic battles caused a sort of schism between those that wanted gold and those that desire for others to lose it. There is no definite solution to end the imbalance; the community will always find a way to efficiently grow rather than seek for conflicts with others, IMO. However, it would mitigate the inflation if said ideas in OP were introduced.
  8. In response to NewAgeMonkeys post. Yes i agree that ppl could pvp more to remove more gold. Before in past kaw the kaw tax always took care of this excess gold. But even so. Think about how much of the total gold in game the LB owns? 80%? Us regular joes cant even take it from them anyways. Well not on a individual basis. So whats the next logical step? Strip all of the LB? Thats a solution that would eliminate some lol. Prime example of this super excess is the acct Rey_ . Trillions worth of statless allies just waiting to be dropped. There is a huge excess in the game and unless the devs come out with other consumable items to use it on, chances are they will put out new lands and upgrades to appease the LB players. They spend the most. Its how it is and probally always will be. Just my 2 cents
  9. There is no hypocrisy in what I'm saying. I have no problem strip farming peoplebecause you think you can't strip me that makes me a hypocrite? I think you need a better grasp on the English language. Hypocrisy would be me telling you to strip farm people, and then me never strip anyone.

    Everyone finds an excuse not to war, but no one seems able to find a reason to war.

    While the building ideas are cool, and would be cool to implement them, it's not a viable solution to the problem you are proposing. After the larger players spend 1t (which takes a day to earn) then it's back to the same problem.

    The only viable solution to take gold out of the eKaWnomy is to war each other to take it out. Players keep begging the developers to fix the problem, when the solution is already in your own hands.
  10. Put a tax on ally hires.

    Problem solved.
  11. This would solve the problem of Lb players having too much gold... But the smaller newer players already find it hard to find and keep allies... Taxing it would make it that much harder for them
  12. again, you are just ignoring the fact that most players CAN'T take out the people holding all the allies. its out of reach of the average player. you are a prime example of it. even if someone put together the trillions needed to clear you, the best anyone could hope for would be a full bar of attacks to take a portion of your gold. its certainly not something a new player has any control over. (this is about fixing the "new player" end of the game; after all)

    you have been at war for some time now. yet you still have trillions of allies. but you claim that warring is the way to get rid of the excess gold in the allies market? maybe hypocrite wasn't the right word. but you are still misguided on this.

    i am aware that my ideas would not 'solve' the problem. but i believe that it would help to significantly alleviate it.

    btw this is a bit off topic, but i was furious when the devs released the new tiers for towers. because it made what you are suggesting (a concept which i do agree with, in a general sense) even more difficult. nerfing towers would go a long way towards decreasing inflation. maybe i should make a thread on that next?
  13. :|
  14. If it's a flat tax it's fair to all and relative to what each player spends. Say 10% across the board - kind like bb (yes that's a tax of sorts to soak up liquidity).
  15. Word, you are just looking for excuses now. Most LB have 6m or less in towers. It takes 1-2 days to earn 1t. 50 ppl banning together could easily pool enough go strip all but the top 10 accounts. People just don't want to do it.

    You also see the problem wrong. The problem isn't gold in the market. It's the top LB players having quadrillions on gold, therefore requiring them to inflate the prices of allies in order to be able to be under the ally limit.

    Not sure how charging the players who are making multiple trillions per day a measly amount would help the market.

    As I said, it would be cool to have the ideas you mentioned, but to market it as helping the problem, that is a blatant lie. Period.
  16. i'm not seeing the problem wrong. i stated that it was the top lb at the heart of the problem. so we agree on that.

    the only thing we are having a disagreement on is on whether it would work.

    i've stated that my idea wouldn't solve the problem, that it would only alleviate it. i'm marketing it as an alternative to another set of lands and buildings that would put "end game" even further out of reach for new players. you have to understand that i am talking about charging amounts of gold equivalent to the cost of exploring and fully building the hoarfrost (total, for all the top quality versions).

    20tril is nothing to redstar. but 20tril from each of the top 100ally lb? that's 2quadrillion gold being siphoned out of the ekawnomy. each of the top 200? 4quadrillion. it adds up.

    it would make a difference. a temporary difference, but new lands and buildings would also be temporary AND would have further negative effects on the game.
  17. Make one event where everyone for 1 week total is like primal. All BFA don't count. Then let's see how fast things balance out. :)
  18. That's exactly what i am getting at. No new lands, new builds, new pots, new colors, etc fixes the problem.

    The problem is that no one wars and everyone hoards what should be spent warring. Everyone's hoard is getting large and no one wants to lose it. So everyone keeps hoarding, making the problem worse. Then devs are forced to come out with something else that further imbalances the game in order to take away the hoards that WAR should have depleted.

    Each new land, build, pot that is released to take the hoarded gold out of the system merely makes it that much more of a mountain for newer players.

    I still like the idea of more things to do, but war still is the only option.
  19. the low end of the game is gone, i just recently created a new account (2days ago) started it on haunts, waited for item phase, did my 1 damage, got enough for ug and pots, day 2 im hitting haunts with 3.5 mil pots, making profit, can hit ambush with no pots, did not need an ally for day 1, day 2 had a bil for allies that can be kept more than a second. Unfortunately that knowledge is not made available to new players.