New Idea of "pay to win"- An alternative to HTE Epic Battle!

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by antonio00ro, Sep 17, 2014.

  1. Hello People
    This is an idea i had before, but I didn't put to much effort in it... and now with the kaw 5 year celebration and the 100% plunder bonus, just came to me again, and thought about to give it a try, and make this thread.

    Now we all love HTE as today's upgrades and lands costs are bigger and bigger... and is the only fastest method of growth and development. But we also know that this Epic Battle has created so many problems and complaints among some players... mentioning that clan loyalty was ruined... many clans are struggling to grow in members, you can't find any more equip EBs, as everybody is doing HTE... and other problems like that! (that are true and changed a lot this game!)

    Every time someone said in forum that HTE has to be gone, everybody jumps at his throat and said "wee need HTE to grow!!!" and he is considered a hater! Well HTE doesn't have to disappear... but me personally I always thought that this was a bad idea for a permanent "pay to win" option implemented by devs, and I agree that it should have stayed as it was meant to be, a promo!

    Ok, so now when we had the 100% plunder bonus reminded me of this idea as an alternative to HTE and ROTWB!!!
    I present to you the Gold Rain Plunder Bonus Spell


    This will be a spell that you can buy with nobility points (the price can be the same as SOD, devs will decide that) and that will give you not 100%, but 250% plunder bonus, for 4-5 days! (96-120 hours)

    Update: Yes, maybe the time for the spell is too much 4-5 days... even if in a HTE clan you can stay 5 days with only 1 SoD used... i think this should be an average of how it is used now and how will be the spell used in the future, considering also that if you are not in a HTE clan... you use 1 SoD (6$) for only one EB and you can make maximum amount of gold with item closed... but that's it! So maybe a 2.5 days (60h) will be the best time for 1 Gold Rain plunder spell!! Considering that big spenders can max xtall during the spell... this will increase considerably the amount of gold made!

    Let me explain...

    We all know that HTE was meant to be 3x more gold then The Haunting, (Horaay...faster growing). So if with this you get 3 times the plunder you get in normal Haunt, why not getting 2.5 (1.5) times the plunder in every other normal eb that you do!

    Update: Considering that some Epic Battles (EBs tires 9-10) were created to help balance income for players that don't spend that much real money on game... i think is a good idea that spell should have different percentage for those EBs... Will be the same spell, just that will activate differently depends on what EB you are doing! The only issue will be if developers can implement this on the game! but i think should be not that hard! So spell can activate like this:
    EBs Tire 1 to 10 -- bonus 250%
    EBs Tire 11 and 12 -- Bonus 150%
    This way can balance things up, will encourage small players also and good old Equip EBs will show up again in WC and not everybody with the spell will do only TSG, SS, TS and so on...
    Anyway... developers will make the studies... and will have "the last word" on this, but I think this would be fair enough for all!!

    The problem that occurred with HTE was that 1 SoD can be used in only one EB (not that much gold there), so people thought about it and came up with the idea of HTE clan when you can use 1 Sod and do b2b HTE all day long... for 4-5-6 even 7 days as the clan owner(s) wishes... and that's what created the chance for opportunists and the "free fast gold" for some of the "smart" ones (you all know what i'm talking about)

    No problems with the normal eb clans where some people buy SoDs and use them among friends... but also some wanted maximum gold for their SoD (that sometimes they didn't even buy... was just a drop, so they leave their home clans and go to HTE clans, and clan loyalty is going down the drain!

    With this plunder spell you don't have to leave your clan any more... and you can grow fast right in your home clan... making the same gold as in a HTE clan... for 4-5 days! Update: 1 day - 2.5 days

    Here is a quick study I made based on an average player (like me) with a good activity for 16h a day!

    Remember this is are just average amounts for normal hitting activity, they can vary based on your activity, xtall used, player stat, etc.
    As you can see... the amounts are considerable good, and with a good activity you can make as much gold as doing b2b HTE! hell even better! if xtalls are used... pots stages like the TSG and so on...

    Update: To make it as a try-out, developers can keep both SoD and Gold Rain plunder spell available for purchase with nob points, only that the spell will NOT BE ACTIVE when doing HTE! so you can not use both on the same time... this will be too much! This way they will see which method will work best in the future... if players will continue to share what they pay for... or will stick to individual plunder bonus! :roll:

    All in all, I think this idea is a good alternative to the boring HTE, can solve many problems mentioned so many times... and will give the "pay to win" option a true meaning, without being conditioned and depending on others!


    1. You can make more gold wherever you want... don't need to leave home clan anymore!
    2. Solving the "You pay, we all win" issue, leaving no more room for opportunisms and scams!
    3. You can go equip hunting and make good gold at the same time!
    4. Will increase sells for ATA, as more players will buy the spell IMO also many will want spell permanent... so they will buy it on a regular basis! regardless of clan, warring, etc.!
    5. Clans will get back to the way they were before!
    6. Will increase activity... as everyone who's casting the spell will want to take full advantage of it!
    7. Maybe xtalls also will increase in sales!


    1. HTE clans will have to reorganize... but hey... they were smart guys once... i'm sure they can figure something out! right?
    2. I didn't find any other downsides. (if you can find more... please write them below)

    A few rules in Spell use

    1. Spell will not be active in EE wars
    2. Spell will not be active in PvP steals (a steal is a steal, should not be considered as plunder)
    3. Spell will be active in PvP attacks! so when you hit an opponent you will get more gold!

    HTE epic battle:

    I think devs don't have to close HTE, this can still be available... but only with SoD as a drop from Epic Battles (same as now), and as rewards for different promotions and contests! SoD will not be available for purchase!! also the Gold Rain Plunder spell will be active on HTE... and will make a killer plunder! A true bonus! (so that's why I think maybe decrease the SoD drop rate can be very reasonable!) This can be valid for ROTWB also! (will not apply if both methods will be kept!)

    I think that's about it... I hope you like this idea and also you can improve it, please leave a
    comment below, if you don't support it! please explain why! This is a discussion forum, not a voting poll!
    Thank you all, and Happy Kawing!
  2. Very well thought out. I like it
  3. Interesting..

    Very good idea. I support!!
  4. Thought this was gonna be short. I was wrong. Well thought out idea, I like it. Support.
  5. i wouldn't mind getting rid of hte and implementing a small plunder bonus. small. not 250%.

    i also wouldn't mind if they simply got rid of hte.
  6. Hmmm interesting idea
  7. Everyone will start making b2b scrag eb clans and none of the issues people have would be fixed! There will still be the same complaints just different eb
  8. Lol so 250% on smoke signal I'm sold.
  9. You do know that smoke is done in about 5-6 hours or something

    Hte is done in about 1-2 hours. It still makes more gold at a faster rate
  10. Hmm interesting idea. But like 250% over an already tripled eb is a little too much I think lol. Some lbs may make up to 250-300m a hit on hte already, if that goes *2,5, that goes to 625-750m a hit. Gives a good grind… a little too good in my opinion
  11. That is why Hte will be a rare eb, or just a bonus for some contests...
  12. You clearly put a lot of thought into this, but I would say decrease bonus amount to 150% to balance it out. Also make the plunder spell run for 3-4 days tops. 1 day is too little and 5-6 is too long. It's about keeping the hit range even instead of increasing the gap by immense proportions.
  13. How am I supposed to mooch off other people's seals with this? No support
  14. Counter proposal; give us something to increase pay on pvp hits.
  15. Spell will be active on pvp hits... No one said will not... Just on EE wars will not...
  16. Support this would also eliminate the problems like clans kicking people right after they use a seal and waste that persons money.
  17. Support but definitely not 350% for 5 days.. 250% for 3 days perhaps
  18. Yes... Maybe percentage spell can vary based on eb tyre... That could be an option... The idea is to make same gold as you do now in HTE based on an average...