Shark-Nado Epic Battle

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by King-Arthurs-Corp, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. -First: Spot Shark (93750) "scout"
    -Second: Chase Shark (125000) "attack and assassinate"
    -Third: Stop Sharks Minions (130000) "Attack"
    -Fourth: Item Phase (100000) "Seal of Deflection"
    -Fifth: Main bar 75% "Attack and Assassinate"
    ------The Shark has spotted you and left------

    -First: Hurricane (83750) "Scout"
    -Second: Shark Minions (138753) "Attack and Assassinate"
    -Third: Ocean Waves (243678) "Attack and Assassinate"
    Fourth: Main Bar 50% "Attack and Assassinate"
    ------The Shark is approaching your troops------

    -First: Shark (231546) "Attack and Assassinate"
    -Second: Shark Fins (45321) "Scout"
    -Third: Shark Re-alive Minions (213451) "Attack and Assassinate"
    -Fourth: Main Bar 0% "Attack and Assassinate"

    ------Your troops have Captured the Shark and celebrate------
  2. #copyrightinfringement
  3. (This is a new idea for an Epic Battle)
  4. A shark eb already exists. Isn't Zuthermerak a shark? The reckoning?
  5. Zuthermark is either an octopus or a squid. Or something else. It has tentacles.
  6. Equipment Drops:

    Teeth of the Shark

    Level 1

    -Attack: (1,000,000)
    -Attack Defense: (3,500,000)
    -Spy: (1,200,000)
    -Spy Defense: (4,000,000)
  7. The teeth, would be a Trinket. Equipment Drop.