Individual War - WoC Changes

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Luigi, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. Howdy Forums,

    This is an idea I have been working on for a while now and has been suggested on the forums before by King-Arthurs-Corp but my thread hasn't been ready until now.


    The wave of conflict has been a part of EE wars since they were first introduced in 2013 but this system is outdated for the new individual wars.

    The New Idea

    Introduce 3 different versions of the Wave of Conflict spell.

    1. The first version of 'Wave of Conflict' would be the standard entrance into the pool of warrers. The brown is a bit boring and therefore this new version will be fancy purple as seen below! :D
    The payout from winning as a standard player will be as it is now


    2. The second version of 'Wave of Conflict' would be for war commanders. Once casted, the player will be placed into a pool of other commanders and every clan in the individual war system will be matched to at least one commander (In a perfect system, details of a poor number of commanders is detailed later in this thread). The commanders will instantly get a special colour for cc without the need to cast mithril as they are sacrificing their reputation as well as the owner powers to decide the admins for the war. These commanders have a special gold 'Wave of Conflict' in my example below!
    The trackers who volunteer for this extra work load should have an increase in mith payout than the standard player


    3. The third version of 'Wave of Conflict' would be for trackers. As with War Commanders above these players will be placed into a special pool of trackers to be distributed before match-up in each individual war. These players would also gain a special colour in cc for free to make it clear for their identity as well as guaranteed admin. My example below shows the tracker WoC as red.
    These true leaders of combat should gain the greatest mithril payout of anybody in the war for their contribution and work they put into the success of your war


    What happens if the WC or tracker is inactive or rubbish?

    :arrow: You run the same risk of this in an individual war as they are now. Everyone needs to learn and if your wc or tracker needs practice then that's the card dealt to you.
    :arrow: If they are inactive a special area of the broken sword spell should be made for them and this will be explained in an update to this post or as it's own thread.


    Right, after now sourcing a broken sword spell I am able to show this area of the idea.

    1. For the normal player that is inactive in war the spell would act as before and disallow the player to cast any of the WoC spells for the length of time detailed in kaw_community's thread. This should be the shortest time spent banned from warring and the spell should match the WoC they cast and therefore the mock-up is below:


    2. The trackers who are inactive in the war will have a heavier penalty placed upon them. This could be double the length of time that a standard inactive will occur. As the WoC is red for trackers they can keep the red broken sword spell as shown below


    3. The inactive war commanders should be dealt the heftiest fine for their inactivity. They should be banned from all wars for 3x as long as the standard inactive. This will make it clear that if you volunteer for this position then you should be there to lead your temporary clan to victory. Those WC's who are not active will have the golden broken sword as shown below;


    If clans outnumber the number of WC and trackers then they can be generated and they can war each other in the chaos of war. This is also a risk of general i-wars and cannot be addressed.. sorry :oops:

    A couple of questions to be answered from this thread

    As discussed a special version of the broken sword spell should be made with malicious actions. And apart from that you're dealing with luck anyway with your clan that is made. Have to keep hoping for that luck with a great WC.

    I understand your concern - those who do not war command or track despite volunteering and choosing then the clan can/should send feedback and if found that the commander/tracker has not completed their job then they will receive the broken sword spell applicable.

    :arrow: Broken sword spells images and descriptions.
    :arrow: Details of the extra rewards trackers and commanders get for volunteering
  2. I don't think this is really necessary. I would rather see it require 1 xtal to cast WOC then allow you to regen for free one time during war.
  3. Troll - this is a freemium game. The developers will struggle to find support for a feature that cuts off a portion of their gaming population. Whilst I purchase things on here, a sensible businessman won't attempt to alienate gamers that will eventually wish to purchase items etc

    Whilst I agree with you and would like xtal-costing wars, I can't see it happening as the backlash wouldn't be good for ATA
  4. Potter!

    I like this idea. I was in a indy recently where neither tracker nor wc had admin, as they were smaller accounts. It made their job unnecessarily difficult.

    If they self-nominate as leaders, then I'm assuming the admin would come with it. Two birds... One stone... And dat purple...
  5. You make a fair point with admin abilities, I don't see a reason as to why the WC couldn't also have all the current powers of "owner" and decide their admins for the war. Will update OP with that suggestion ASAP
  6. I like the idea of making sure a tracker and wc are in each clan️
  7. This is part of a bigger debate, even match ups in war...

    The way I see it, each clan will be about even if they have;

    a WC
    a tracker
    someone making a spreadsheet
    the same number of leaky builds (Hansels with little adt or hitters with little sdt)
    the same number of PSs

    the question is: are Indie wars here to stay?

    Ideally devs would fix the underlying issue of the underrepresentation of bfa in plunder calculation, so we can go back to only round wars.

    If Indie wars are here to stay then I would like to see devs do 2 things both plunder and leaked plunder for each in war history
    2. Calculate a sort of player prestige based on the above numbers

    this prestige can be used to build even clans in war
  8. I just make sure I can wc and/or track:) solves issue. Joking's not hard to learn either. Good WC's will post targets for builds with who and how to hit...if ya study it, you'll get it wuickly.

    Tracking- I learned from necessity...I can scrape by. But those who use programs are better than I am.

    I hope all learn to be an asset to their indi clans this season...even if you simply sweep and call opens, you're helping the cause.
  9. **Update bump**
  10. No support what if ppl cast the purple WOC and only 2 ppl get picked for that war . Then the others that wanted to war are left out exp let's say 2 clans go up for that ind war then if 8 ppl cast the purple WOC then only 2 out of the 8 get picked for war not fair .
  11. Red, I don't really understand what you're saying...

    War commanders and trackers do not pick the clans. That is set up by the system as normal.

    If there are too many WC and trackers then they can be put into clans as normal warriors

    If there are too few then the clans without WC or trackers can be matched and have at each other or be given a no match - whatever community and devs prefer
  12. No I think if ppl sign up for war the COMMUITY should not pick ppl would abuse it to much and any size should be able to war and still get a match no support devs should run war systrem and the war systrem I like the way it is now .
  13. Nobody in the community picks anyone... I genuinely believe you have misunderstood my entire thread
  14. U said what ever COMMUITY and devs perfe and I still don't like the idea o support but happy kawing
  15. Support, this is a good idea
  16. I actually really like the idea. There should also be a spell for people who are NOT the WC but act like it the entire war 
  17. Broken sword spell to be more specific.
  18. Haven't read the other posts but no support want is people cast those woc for tracker and or wc just to get a larger mith payout if they win
  19. Agree with TROLL