Clan Loyalty Idea

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Kronos, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. Now I don't know about you but I find that members loyal to there clan are becoming few and far between. I have thought of some ideas that could make loyalty easier to come by, feel free to comment on what you do and don't like.

    1. Clan Armoury: This idea is pretty basic, the owner pays money, or the clan does an exclusive clan equipment eb, (or the clan vault, my next idea) for an exclusive (I like the word exclusive) piece or set of equipment that is stored in the armoury and can be loaned out for a set fee, until the person who is in possession of it leaves the clan, which is when it then returns to the clan armoury. The owner or others can enchant it to make the price of it higher.

    2. Clan Vault: This is a really popular idea, and so as not to repeat anything, I will just put important stuff from others and my own points. So anyone an put money into the vault, but it is made into Clan Gold, and can be spent only on stuff improving the clan, for example to buy clan equipment, money orientated ebs, clan bonuses (like maybe a blood rain type plunder bonus for a short while to all members of the clan) and maybe some misc stuff.

    3. Clan Fees: Ok, so this will be maybe the most controversial point, but hear me out. Players PAY to get into the clan, join in clan exclusive ebs that were starters with the Clan Gold, and pay to LEAVE. Depending on how long they've been there, the fees could be less. Feel free to rip me a new one for this one :)

    4. Clan Ranks: Personally I feel that there needs to be more options for clan ranks, I mean it's pretty simple, isn't it? And a lot of clans have "ranks" which they give as titles etc. And so the owner could set what the ranks are called, but they are already set as to what they do. The clan ranks are automatically distributed, and can be viewed on the profile under the title (or instead of) with the chosen name the owner have the rank. The ranks are according to the lengthy of time they have been in the clan, (so maybe 7 days, 14 days and so on). Every rank gives a different bonus, but the longer you've been the better. If you've been there the longest time possible, you get a huge discount on clan equips (but it is still paid the same amount into the clan vault), more bonus from the clan bonus and so on. Also maybe add the Co-Owner rank/s, and maybe where the member could also accept members, start ebs, but unlike admins they can only do that one thing. So for example someone had "X" rank, they could start ebs but not accept or kick members and so on. This can be changed by the owner.

    Feel free to criticise and improve this.
  2. Also for the clan fees maybe the fees could be changed based on the owners whim or the strength/eb prestige of the clan (another new idea) It's dependant on what tier ebs they have competed
  3. Why would you pay to leave...
  4. I have always liked the idea of clan loyalty. I mean why even have a clan if its just a revolving door? And don't forget being able to retain whatever benefit while visiting clans within an alliance. However, the masses of mercs and equipment hunters will shoot this down faster than you an idea of writing this.
  5. I support all. Good ideas :)
  6. Ya take paying to leave off
  7. I like number 3 a lot good idea
  8. What happens if i don't have gold but want to join a clan?
  9.  great ideas bud! Hopefully one of them will become the next big thing! The point I like the most is clan vault. Who knows what the devs will do? Good luck!
  10. That's where the clan rank comes in. Starter clans that run low ebs are super cheap to get into
  11. Something new good idea support :)
  12. Yeah naw too much like other games. I do like paying to get into the clan though. Maybe funding goes towards admins?
  13. The longer you stay the cheaper it should be to stay, also only the owner can kick people out.

    However it takes 3 ppl to vote out a person this way people can give admin out.