Ideas for the Content Team

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Chaos, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. [​IMG]

    To the Community Thinking Apes,

    It's been awhile since we've had a true update which impacts gameplay in KAW significantly. Recently the developers have had their hands full patching some exploits we all know, (those of which are occurring in EE.) Since we have two developer teams in KAW(One for Bugs & others for Content), I feel that in order to keep the game fresh and far from stale - some new updates need to take place site-wide which would breath new life to this game. I thought the developer content team could have an idea what we as a community are looking for by scrolling in this thread. So for the many of you, this means to put your thinking hats on and flip the creativity switch. :)

    On the top of my head, the KO Mechanic in EE was probably the last big change which followed these guidelines. (Unless you consider new banners or scrolls just as game breaking) It impacted how all current wars are managed from season 1 till today. Given that this was in season 1, we are now nearly in scope of season 4 - 18 months later mind you. I don't know about many of you, but after participating in the fun and intense ASW #4 - I feel all current wars don't compare in the slightest in intensity. EE participation has been changing the last few years. I remember the famous 100 vs 100 clan wars, the 50 vs 50, 25 vs 25 and now 12 vs 12 wars. What's happened?

    At least for me, after 3 seasons of Rancor Wars and a few seasons of Chaos wars, EE seasons have lost it's spark. It has become predictable and some can say so have the rewards. Every seasons set being 5-10% better then the previous. Oh & even better, just participate in an EB hunt and you earn rewards which equate to RL 50. So what's the solution? Change things up to be fun! ;)

    My personal ideas!

    1 vs 1 vs 1 Clan EE Wars


    Tell me this doesn't bring you chills? So many possibilities with this! :D

    New War Gametypes

    During the first hour of Last Years Black Friday, I noticed the devs gave us 2x Regen. :shock:
    It was quickly removed however. So I was thinking... Why not make more special war-exclusive game types with features such as these?

    More Actions = More Fun = More Player Participating = More Players Buying Xtals = Profits
    Welcome Devs :p

    Equipment Marketplace
    Given SEVERE Restrictions to whom can participate in this market to trade with and ETC,
    I would like a shot to be able to buy and trade equipment. To avoid abuse by small accounts, maybe allow a 75 land restriction to qualify to buy a new castle for this upgrade? Just a thought.


    And lastly, a third bar.
    It's been long overdue. Spies and Warrior have existed since I first started playing KAW.
    Nearly 5 years later, it's time for a new breed! I personally like:

    Anyway, these are some thoughts I've had on the fly - I'm curious what you guys have! :D
  2. Reserved.
  3. Ideas are certainly intriguing.

    I don't necessary support the item market place.
  4. I wouldn't mind that they would implement some of the features they allready promised long ago. Like new clan structure 
  5. Can you elaborate please troll?
    It would be a new stream of income to all of KAW the way I see it!
    You could sell old equipment for gold etc.

    Agreed! One of the core features in KAW which demands a nice touch up. :cry:
  6. Third bar   interesting.
  7. I think that the equip market place would just make people sit in HTE (even more than usual) rather than do anything else to obtain equipment.

    Yes there are hunts, but they only offer a small amount of equipment over an extended period of time.

    But I'm just rambling. If devs found a way to implement it... It could work.
  8. Yes but since new players wont compete in hunts doesn't that mean that medium sized players can benefit from selling their **** moth equip? (Other hunt equip are available)
  9. On the contrary, I can see people doing older ebs and trying to max out equipment, only to re-sell. Remember the old old greaves? Imagine how many people would want a set at 10? They were expense to enchant prior. Now at 1 inferno a pop, thats nothing to individuals who spend 500+ of each just to enchant 1 rank.

    Any other ideas? :p
  10. Interesting
  11. Absolutely love the 1v1v1 clan wars as it could bring about new ways to troll

    Love the idea on trading and buying equipment and how you have set requirements high enough to where ransoms can't gift to Alts and such like that.

    Don't really understand the last one but I'm sure it's a good idea as both others are.
  12. Bolt last point referenced a new type of class in kaw to play. So far we have only warrior, spy's or hybrids of both to play as. A completely new type of build would be interesting.
  13. Oh okay, I got it now. I thought you just meant a new bar, just for looks or something. You didn't really elaborate on that one but now I understand and that also is a good idea I think we would all like to see come in an update sometime soon
  14. Could be anything really. Considering the theme of this game is somewhat in medieval times. There's only a handful of classes to choose from.
  15. I would like all of those but once again the LB players could still abuse the market place. The 1v1 would be a way to see who is truly the best fighters in KaW. The new bar I understand but I don't see how the would work or what kind of actions they would do because we already have attack,scout,steal, and assassinate I don't really see what they could do.
  16. Choas I like the 3 clan idea. The bad side is I see clans abusing it. Could see 2 alliance clans beating up on 1. Would work better for individual wars.
  17. I like these ideas. Also like the third bar. Maybe something like wizards or mages or something. Think ATA also needs to bring us a more in depth clan options (co owner, senior admins, members, guests). Also there happens to be more than just two elements in the world. Wouldn't mind seeing earth, wind, etc.
  18. I also think a more in depth leader board would be cool. When I play games I like to see my stats. Daily, weekly, monthly leaderboards. Including steals, assassins, and scouts. Keep it within 10k if u must, just bring it. 
  19. I agree with cloud, less potential for abuse if randomly chosen in indi wars
  20. Lordbrightblade, lb's couldn't abuse the market place because of the prices. They can make a tril in 2 days with seals, guess what? I can too. The only reason they make so much gold is because they seal 4x a day and max xtal each day on hte's. It's honestly not that hard