EE Matchup Ideas

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by xWarRocketAJAXx, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. Potential ideas to assist in the EE matchup process:

    1. Create a working group to run scenarios by capturing real matchup data then to simulate on a mirror server giving detailed feedback on how to tweak the roster to gain a matchup.

    2. use a 25 4 reserves roster. After matchups a no-match system engine tweaks the roster automatically using reserves mix n match to attempt a second chance matchup.

    3. Use a traffic light system. Red amber green pre matchup to indicate green a match; amber close; red no match currently OR after a no-match to give a chance to tweak the roster manually say 10 mins using a similar red amber green indicator.

    These ideas are open for debate. Comment with pros cons support or not. btw I'm not here to defend them they're just more ideas, feel free to propose your own....
  2. Full support, would be nice to be able to tweak roster if no match, either manually or automatically by system. Nice ideas OP
  3. Really good idea. I love the "giving us the heads up" part. If we know we risk no match, we can tweak it and try for better odds. But we spend the day working hard to roster and get everyone casted to get 6 out of 9 no matches. It's frustrating and driving people out of the war clans and the game.
  4. Or just make #1 on your roster be able to hit #25 as the only way to apply for EE war as a clan and you fix all the matchup and stacking issues in 1 simple operation.
  5. Support! Wonderful ideas
  6. support any idea that will land a match ffs. never seen so many no matches ever.
  7. Much support 
  8. I like it- if the secs changed roster with the 4 reserves yes they don't get to war but at least your clan gets a match !!!
    Some clans (LaR AoC) hardly know what matches look like anymore I bet
  9. Devs* not secs
  10. I'm not sure about 1.

    2 - I dun trust devs

    3 - is a nice idea.

    But honestly, devs have not been respondin to posts regarding changes to wars. If they respond to u great but I doubt they will.
  11. Main problem is too little clan war .
    Less clan war equal hard to match up.
    Suggestion - try increase the payout of mirth for lossing team base on action cap at 20 mirth . So new guy can war and earn. Else will always same old people waring .
  12. Wtf u talking about - lots of clans signed up 4 wars
  13. Full support 
  14. Ajax on forums, never thought I'd sed the day. Some good, well thought out ideas here though.

    Support :)
  15. @Tiger not compared to chaos wars
  16. support 
  17. Support. With so many no matches a devs 'heads up' would allow clans the opportunity to tweak rosters accordingly. As it stands we wait patiently for the impending disappointment.
  18. Good ideas support
  19. Brilliant idea! Support!