Just an idea to spreading the costs of the (Epic Battle opening device) to the whole clan and incidentally making you more money in the long run. (This is expanding on an idea I have seen in the forums) by fenfen on Thu Sep 26, 2013 1:54 am Can the devs make it easier for clans to chip in and buy SOD's. Instead of one seal to unlock, make it 59 seals to unlock. But 1 seal costs 1 nob. So you need 59 clannies or just one clan member using 59 seals to start eb. (This idea was suggested by another thread.) win win for devs and players alike Rather than have the cost of the seal (Epic Battle opening device) at a set amount why not have one item that costs one nobility point then increase the number of items required to open said Epic Battle each EB in the series require more items to open so more nobility points would be required. This would spread the cost across the clan as a whole or one or a group of kingdoms could shoulder the costs. Short term you would not see massive changes in income because most kingdoms have odd nobility points from doing quests. Long term the sales in nobility points will increase expeditionary Also you could restrict, (if you want to) the number of items each member could use this would have the effect of greater clan loyalty say new haunting costs is 59 items max number a single kingdom could supply would be 20 so a minimum 3 kingdoms required to open that EB, this could be set at a maximum usage of one but I would not like that my self. But I can see the over all benefits to clans I am assuming that more to “pay for EB’s” will be in the pipeline and the cost of each start item will be reflected by the amount of gold each EB pays out. Warbeasts revenge gives total roughly 18b profit / nobility point = 600 million Haunting the Escape gives total roughly 275b profit / nobility = 4.5 billion. The over all Cost/Nobility point/Profit is there for all to see !! Its not going away This idea would also stop any possiable bullying being caused by forcing kingdoms to use seals as part of a CF agreement
No it's not a win win. You just want easier money, the devs have the system the way it is for a reason. Yea it's cheaper for the players, however every sale on devices part of it is taken by apple. So one person buying 6 dollars in nobs is feed less than 59 people buying 99 cent nobs... Quit complaining about the devs gift of a x3 haunt that is going to disappear soon.
Devs want to make it hard for haunts x3. If they did this it would make it 10x easier for x3 haunts and it would kind of ruin the rareness (if thats a word) of the seal.
Kaw admin i would like to add... Mayb make a box/treasure where people can donate their nobs.... Like provide an option to donate a nob n when a donation is made an update into cc would b nice Just my thought thx
N i was referring to clan page option where we can decide to put a nob in to the box.. N also know the current nobs we r holding (only viewed by admins)*
So are FANG's the answer to the SEAL :lol: hmmmm spend loads of Xstalls in the off chance of a seal or a bow !! :roll: Come dev's change your out look on this money money money or your short term gains will be nothing when no is playing :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Come on be serious do you really believe that having found away to get you to part with your cash the Dev's are going to pull the plug on this :lol: And a % is the same $7 to open an EB is still $7 no mater who buys Apple make the same % The dev's make the same amount. I really can't see your point at all
errr what happened to "Already in the works" or "something like it" still waiting KaW Admin yup i'm very patient also enforced R+R at home due to knee op :cry:
There are more important things to do than a change for the premium EB. If the devs work on to many things at the same time, it won't work at all. Teamwork to start a premium EB sounds nice, but please not 59 people who have to seal. Most clans won't get that many on at the same time.